Do you think you can go to Mass too frequently?

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So I go to Mass two or three times a week. Sometimes I’d like to go more but then I think it might be too much, too full on and I should rein it in a bit.

There was a Mass in my parish today that I wanted to go to but I went yesterday, Wednesday and Sunday so I sat this one out as it might be a bit weird to go today too.

Once a week is the norm I’m guessing? Although there are two or three people I see at every Mass I attend no matter the day.

Opinions on how much Mass is too much??
Many popes have encouraged daily Mass and communion.
If you don’t take the time for Mass away from any of your duties (family, work, etc.) you really can’t go too often in my opinion.
It is said (I don’t recall by whom) that one Mass heard while you’re alive is worth more than a 100 Masses said for you in purgatory. Or something to that effect. 😉
I would go every day if I were able to. Unfortunately, they changed the mass times that they used to have.
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Sometimes I’d like to go more but then I think it might be too much, too full on and I should rein it in a bit.
Why do you think this?

Many people attend Mass daily. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. More people probably would if it wasn’t for the logistics of it (work, family, transportation, etc.).

Attending more than once a day might not be advisable, because it’s repetitive at that point (unless you manage various places with ‘extra’ and optional celebrations), but even that is perfectly ok. Canon Law even specifies that we can receive the Eucharist twice per day if the second time is at a Mass we’ve participated in, so it’s not a foreign concept in the least to go frequently.
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I guess because I would like it to be sustainable. Sometimes when a person gets very enthusiastic about something they can do it too much and it becomes routine. If that makes sense?

But that helps a lot tbh, knowing it’s not out of the ordinary to go to Mass daily or at least a few times a week. I’m probably just over thinking it. Thanks 🙂
Canon Law even specifies that we can receive the Eucharist twice per day if the second time is at a Mass
I’ve stated this myself before, but I feel certain that when I actually checked it, it’s a concession made only for infirm people who are somehow later able to make it to mass.
Except that’s not accurate, it’s not how it’s written, and it’s not interpreted that way by any priest or reputable source I’ve ever encountered.
I completely understand and agree. I know of some religious who limit their Mass attendance in order to keep it from becoming a mundane routine.
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Here’s a good answer from a priest, which discusses the reception of the Eucharist more than once per day. He goes on to agree that Canon Law allows communion twice a day, but he doesn’t necessarily recommend it.
The only way you could ever “go to Mass too frequently” is if doing so caused you to neglect or abandon your daily duty — work, child care, studies, care for family members, and I have to think, even legitimate and needed recreation, time out of doors, exercise, and so on.

Daily Mass is not too much.
Dante actually covers this, placing Henry III of England among the negligent rulers in the Purgatorio. Henry III was a devout Catholic, and supposedly spent so much time attending Mass that he largely neglected his kingly responsibilities. For this, he is sentenced to wait in the ante-purgatory for quite some time before being permitted to even begin his purification.
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If you don’t take the time for Mass away from any of your duties (family, work, etc.) you really can’t go too often in my opinion
I think above is quite an important point.

My parents put their daily devotionals/mass attendance over their priorities as parents. It stung and still does as an adult.

However if you can find time in your day where it does not take over other priorities there should not be a specific limit on it.
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I wouldn’t overthink it. If you want to go daily, why not try it? If it starts feeling unsustainable or “too routine,” you can trim back. Find what works for you for this season of your life. It’s okay if it waxes and wanes over time. The only commitment God asks of us is to Sunday & Holy Day Masses.
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I think the only way it could be “too much” is if it was impeding your other obligations. Ex, a mother goes to Mass instead of fixing her kids lunch… a teacher goes to evening Mass and does a sloppy job preparing the next day’s lessons… a husband goes to Mass after work and leaves his exhausted wife to care for the kids for two more hours without his help (assuming she needs him home at that time).
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then I think it might be too much
Actually, many PBE churches (Protestant/Baptist/Evangelical) do have services at times during the week. Wednesday evening is pretty common. Up until very recently, and even to this day in isolated instances, Southern small towns would have many businesses close on Wednesday afternoon, as kind of a “mini-Sunday” in the middle of the week. It was a time for faith, family, and relaxation, things the South does very well. Not a bad idea at all.

Once in a great while you will still get the question “do you close at noon on Wednesday?”.
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Actually, many PBE churches (Protestant/Baptist/Evangelical) do have services at times during the week.
Yeah but know a days it seems like Wednesday services and Sunday evening services are kinda an afterthought, it seems like nobody really tries to hard with them. That’s my experience anyways
I remember that being a thing with very local shops in the 80s over here. The local grammar school also had Wednesday afternoons off but went in on Saturday mornings.
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