Doctors suggest CDC should deprioritize elderly for coronavirus vaccine: They're 'whiter' and we should 'level the playing field'

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Bet not a single one of them has Faith.
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From the article one doctor said the elderly should not be prioritized because they are whiter. Another doctor says teachers should not be prioritized because they are often very white. An economist differed with that doctor and said teachers should be prioritized because their students are often black and brown. These and the like minded throughout society and culture are either digging holes for themselves due to their desperately trying to adhere to the current orthodoxy of woke political correctness, and then have to go back and dig themselves out by talking back or explaining away their comments, or there is something to white genocide after all.
As if often mentioned, everything is about race at the New York Times.

I would think that those most vulnerable should receive the COVID vaccine. I like the Washington Examiners other article they posted yesterday about not allowing the goal posts to be changed once again concerning the COVID vaccine and lockdowns. It can be read here ~

Coronavirus goal posts must not be allowed to shift again​


…If the older and vulnerable are vaccinated by the spring, however, there is absolutely zero reason to justify maintaining public restrictions until everybody gets vaccinated, a process that could spill into the fall or later.

If you take 100 million of the most vulnerable people out of the equation, the fatality rate will plunge, and the virus will start to resemble the seasonal flu in its effects, which we endure without shutdowns.

Political leaders keep shifting the goal posts on COVID-19. It was about flattening the curve. It was about slowing the spread. It was about protecting the most vulnerable. Now that we have a vaccine that carries the promise of protecting the most vulnerable within months, the goal post must not be allowed to shift again to universal vaccination.
Is this idea messed up?
Identity Politics are now powerful, they run deep in the Dem dogma.

I could support deprioritizing edlerly, because they are old, but not their skin color. I’d put all essential workers and people with pre-existing conditions before just being old.
What’s the reverse of this? Let’s vaccinate minority essential workers first because the white ones will probably live longer?

What a weird mess
however, there is absolutely zero reason to justify maintaining public restrictions until everybody gets vaccinated
My expectation is that the dropping mortality rate itself will be sufficient to start raising co finance and lowering restrictions. In my state, there have been very little restrictions. People not going out has largely been a personal choice. But businesses still suffer.
You bet it’s messed up. Why should one be penalized concerning receiving the vaccine because one is White? The elderly are an easy target due to ageism in our youth-oriented culture. That is, they are at death’s door anyway, so who cares? And teachers as well are often the targets of bias. Guess I am doubly in jeopardy according to these doctors. One more thing: although minorities have been more hard hit by this pandemic than the general population, let’s not forget that rural populations, who are largely White, have also had their inordinate share of inequity regarding access to medical care and treatment.
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