Documentary: "The radical states of America"

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The German public broadcasting service has produced a documentary on the situation in the United States. It is interesting seeing the US from the perspective of those on the outside.

We should, as we have to borrow money from them to build up our military. Just sayin.
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We should, as we have to borrow money from them to build up our military. Just sayin.
For there protection, have they properly funded their NATO cost
You make it sound like we’re a mafia shaking down local businesses for their protection.

And no, I don’t think that’s what NATO is.
Yeah I think NATO has outlived it’s usefulness. Time for everyone to go back to being responsible for their own defense. Create a joint naval force to ensure the safety of sea travel for shipping, let the UN handle rogue states/terror cells/etc.
A poor documentary.
All the violence they showed was caused by BLM protests.
They didn’t support their claim that Militias like American Wolf are out delivering vigilante justice. They just showed them on the shooting range and spouting nonsense. No violence when they followed American Wolf engaging protesters.

The facts are clear, we have over 10 million (10,000,000) arrests annually in the USA and there just a handful of police shootings of unarmed citizens. The police aren’t broadly abusing their strength.

I noticed they didn’t portray the harm caused by the protesters.
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