Steve Andersen:
Well…Jesus DID say don’t cast the first stone and that we will be judged as we judge others.
Didn’t He?
He sure did. But he meant in respect to people, not to their judgements. Jesus was a living example of the compassion we are required to have for everyone, and that compassion includes telling them when they are sinning. Doesn’t mean they’ll like it, but that shouldn’t shut us up.
Steve Andersen:
The Catholic Church is a big tent organization
You obviously have a very skewed concept of the Church. It is the sole means by which God comes to Earth. It is united by a clear, common teaching, the sanctity of marriage being part of that. There are many who use the name “Catholic” but arguably are not true Catholics because they do not agree with parts of this Truth that the Church teaches.
Steve Andersen:
With almost a billion members there is probably quite a bit of difference of opinion across it.
Even someone who is devote can have legitimate questions over certain points. that doesn’t make them bad, questioning is the begining of faith.
There is a difference between “questioning” as in exploring the reasons why we believe certain things and “questioning” as in disagreeing with certain teachings. The first is okay-in fact it is encouraged and required by any human with faculties for critical thinking. The second is disobedience.
Steve Andersen:
Being Catholic doesn’t mean simply towing the line…it wouldn’t be much of a faith then would it?
Being Catholic means obedience. The word has such a negative connotation in our culture, thanks especially to moral relativism, but in reality God gave us the Church and through it he teaches us what is best for us, what will ensure our fulfillment here on earth and our salvation later on.
Steve Andersen:
Personally I think marriage is a great thing and if two people want to do it more power too them but that is just me
I think marriage is an awesome thing. The definition of marriage, includes a man and a woman. “Homosexual marriage” is an oxymoron. The statement itself commits the logical fallacy of contradictory premises. Let me ask you if you think marriage between a man and two woman is a great thing? It defies the basic definition of marriage. The idea of “homosexual marriage” threatens to destroy the basic building block of our culture, which is already being assailed by divorce, contraceptives, and selfish parents who refuse to be open to the gift of life.
Steve Andersen:
If the Church doesn’t want to do it that is fine however the civil government is in a slightly different position.
The civil government was founded on Judeo-Christian values and ideas. The morals which came to earth through the Church are its bedrock. Furthermore, the duty of the government is to protect the good of the people. Allowing our culture to be degraded and our values to be ripped apart is not protecting our good.