Continued from previous post
I think marriage is an awesome thing. The definition of marriage, includes a man and a woman. “Homosexual marriage” is an oxymoron.
True…they could call it a “Flarkle” or something (or just call it marriage)
Let me ask you if you think marriage between a man and two women is a great thing? It defies the basic definition of marriage.
I’ll be good and not tell the obvious joke (it’s awfully difficult when you through up softballs like that though)
I will also not give the trite reply that good old OT polygamy is still not uncommon in parts of the world
But you are right it is not part of western culture (the Romans were monogamous well before they were Catholic)
BlueMit11 said:
…… The civil government was founded on Judeo-Christian values and ideas. The morals which came to earth through the Church are its bedrock. Furthermore, the duty of the government is to protect the good of the people. Allowing our culture to be degraded and our values to be ripped apart is not protecting our good.
There were civil governments before there were Christians or Jews and arguments about the intent and religious feelings of the founders of the USA take up far too many web pages to go into here
The Church and the government have each been in the marriage business for a long time each for its own reasons
I object to the use of the 14th amendment to push for gay mar…err I mean Flarkle. It is clearly not an equal protection issue and the Laurence case was just bad
And I think that from a purely civil point of view a lot of the issues the proponents of Flarkle have can be addressed with a living will and a power of attorney.
I also think that the folks who pushed the issue in Massachusetts, San Francisco, and New Platz were out of their minds to pull such a stunt in an election year and the result will be nothing but bad laws.
However I think that if they can make serious legal arguments on 9th or 10th amendment grounds then maybe they should be allowed to Flarkle
I think that a long term commitment to another person is a good thing from a spiritual, economic, and civil point of view. Anything the government can do to encourage stable households is a good thing.
The morality of the issue really isn’t the State’s business.
From a practical point of view the number of persons who want to Flarkle is very small compared to the number of broken heterosexual homes. So the real danger to marriage is probably from that quarter. That’s probably a harder fight to pursue so I can see why some folks would choose to draw the line with the gays rather than the larger group.