Does an embryo have a heartbeat?

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There are so many young girls who just don’t think, and are pressured to have abortions by their families and boyfriends. If it were against the law, they would be given pause.
You start too late…forget about focusing on what to do after the baby is conceived…

we have to start getting those girls to recognize their worth, their dignity, their sanctity…to say NO to being used by boys…to stop equating sex with love or even just being wanted.

The Pure Love Club is remarkable in this effort.
It reaches to the core of the problem.

Get the word out about Theology of the Body and grown women will begin to guard themselves more, to demand more respect from the men in their lives.

As Christopher West says, we need to reinflate our tires - driving around with flats is not the norm but it’s been that way for so long we forgot what it was like to have fully inflated tires - how much smoother the road becomes.

He also points out that most people don’t need the law “DO NOT KILL” because it would be repulsive to them to even consider it in their minds for a moment…those people are free from the law because they already live within the spirit of the law.

We have to get to the point where the laws permitting abortion collect dust on the books - become as obsure as not being allowed to keep an alligator on a leash - because no one would even dream about having one performed.

It’s the only way because by achieving the goal this way we also reunite all those wayward people to God.
Thanks everyone for all the helpful info! 🙂 We had the debate a few days ago, and it went really well. The pro-embryonic stem cell research side didn’t have good arguments. After I argued that embryonic stem cell research has not successfully treated a single patient, as opposed to over 100 treatments from adult stem cells, they tried to counter my argument with something like “embryonic stem cell research can cure many diseases…” So much for a counter argument! :rolleyes:

"A person’s a person no matter how small!" 👍
-Dr. Seuss
Thanks everyone for all the helpful info! 🙂 We had the debate a few days ago, and it went really well. The pro-embryonic stem cell research side didn’t have good arguments. After I argued that embryonic stem cell research has not successfully treated a single patient, as opposed to over 100 treatments from adult stem cells, they tried to counter my argument with something like “embryonic stem cell research can cure many diseases…” So much for a counter argument! :rolleyes:

"A person’s a person no matter how small!" 👍

-Dr. Seuss
glad to hear this!!!:blessyou:
My Christian faith informs of the Incarnation of Jesus. That is God made Man.

So there has been one embryo formed in the womb of His Blessed Mother. That unique physical structure contained every heartbeat that has ever or will ever exist.

The human embryo created in the image and likeness of God has the potential for a heartbeat and for this and many other reasons should never be destroyed for scientific or any other purpose.

So I reason.

This is a link to the congressional bills in debate. And actually there are some that are considering public funding of stem cell research, both adult and embryonic stem cells. When you go on this link, you can also link onto the transcripts taking place during the debates.

I found it very interesting to read one with Sen.Brownback discussing the ill decision to fund embryonic stem cells…He even stated categorically that private sectors who can pay for this are not funding embryonic stem cell research because it has failed miserably in experiments…but rather have great success with adult stem cell & cord blood. They even said, people from the US have traveled to South America to have their own stem cells be used in their treatment of diabetes with success.

No embryos are destroyed. All human life is preserved. No human being, no matter how little or how young.4-5 days old in utero is treated like property. Good luck with your research.
stbruno: Thank you for the reply and link. I will see that it is passed on to our prolife group. I found it encouraging to learn that Mexican bishops are excomunicating politicians who support and vote for pro abortion legsilation,
Vern Humphry - thanks much for the encouragement.
De nada.😉

I keep this position on file:
The right to life is the most fundamental of all human rights. Without a right to life, all other rights are valueless. What good does freedom of speech do a dead man? How can a corpse exercise the right to trial by jury?
The right to life accrues to each of us as a part of our basic humanity. It is as much a part of us as our minds, our personalities, or our arms and legs. It is given to us by no one. It is ours merely because we are living human beings.
There are those who say that “society” or the government decides when we get the right to life. If that is so, then it is no right at all, but merely a privilege, for if the government can grant the right to life, it can surely withhold it. Once you accept that the government has this power, you must accept, willy-nilly that the government can decree some people – perhaps Jews, or Blacks or Catholics – never get the right to life.
If, therefore there is such a thing as a right to life, it must accrue to every living human being. This sets up a simple, three-part test.
 Is the unborn child living? If it were not, we would not be having this debate!
 Is it human? Check the DNA. If it has rabbit or squirrel DNA, then it is not human. But if it has human DNA, it is human.
 But is it a being? Check the DNA again. If it has the mother’s DNA, then it is a part of her body. But if it has its own DNA, then it is a being – a separate and distinct human life.
Very clearly, the unborn has the same right to live as any other living human being. Who denies that, denies the whole concept of human rights.
De nada.😉

I keep this position on file:
The life statement is valuable. As I was thinking about it the following prayer occured to me “Immaculate Heart of Mary I turn the life of the unborn over to your tender care.”
The life statement is valuable. As I was thinking about it the following prayer occured to me “Immaculate Heart of Mary I turn the life of the unborn over to your tender care.”
And may she gather all the innocent victims to her.
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