Does anybody else want to throw something at their TV?

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It is driving me crazy as I try to flip through the channels to find a worthwile reporting of the Papal election (No EWTN in this misison diocese). All the news channels keep parading before us these people who continually criticize basic tenets of our faith. I keep realizing more and more that they don’t understand that the pope is simply the guardian of what is true, the Catholic faith handed down from Christ through the centuries. What they see it as is a political election like the pope is the “president” of the church and that whoever is elected gets to push their platform forward.

I’m so FRUSTRATED! AHHHH! I’ve had to put myself in timout to avoid breaking my TV.

Keep your cool…the media is not worth loosing it over…a hopeless cause (at least it seems so). The secular media and public could never begin to comprehend our faith, it is so far removed from their worldview. I gave up on them a long time ago. My area has a small Catholic community like yours, and the coverage of the pope is virtually nill except those looking to criticize the church.
It is driving me crazy as I try to flip through the channels to find a worthwile reporting of the Papal election (No EWTN in this misison diocese). All the news channels keep parading before us these people who continually criticize basic tenets of our faith. I keep realizing more and more that they don’t understand that the pope is simply the guardian of what is true, the Catholic faith handed down from Christ through the centuries. What they see it as is a political election like the pope is the “president” of the church and that whoever is elected gets to push their platform forward.

I’m so FRUSTRATED! AHHHH! I’ve had to put myself in timout to avoid breaking my TV.

Rejoice my friend! This is merely the death spasms from the intellectually and morally bankrupt. Benedict XVI should spike a football in St. Peter’s square and do a little sack-dance. 😃

I would like to see a running thread reporting all the lies that are being thrown at us about the pope. I just watched MSNBC Reports throw one right after another Catholic hater at us. A guy from just finished slinging away. Anyone want to start a thread where we can keep track of all the Catholic bashing?
Do I want to throw something at my t.v.?
No. I think this is rather humerous. In fact I turned away from EWTN to see what the other networks had to say.

Actually, I’m seeing more orthodoxy than I expected to see. (I didn’t expect to see any–it helps to have low expectations that way I’m rarely disappointed.) Even the liberal Catholic clergy that they’re interviewing seem to be trying to say something hopeful like “maybe he’ll listen”. I think the callers are the funniest.

Well, the commercials are over so I’m returning to my t.v. now so I can laugh some more.
Ahhh the only reason why i wanna throw something at my TV is because i dont have CABLE!!! i wanna see whats going on with the newest updates but all the local channels are talking about the new food guide pyramid!
Isn’t there a way to get a live feed from the EWTN website?

We have had the TV on EWTN all day & I only listen to Catholic Radio in the car.

The modern media is too exasperating to handle at this time.


Just a note: If you have high-speed internet, you can watch a live broadcast of EWTN through their website ( under the following menus: “Television--”

I don’t have cable or a dish (thank God), so I watch EWTN over the internet.

God bless.
I actually enjoy watching the media blow a gasket at the election of Benedict XVI. Cardinal Ratzinger is the perfect choice to get the media to foam at the mouth and not care. The attack pieces are coming, in fact they have started already, but let them come. We have a pope who is a strong defender of the faith. The fact the media hates him makes me believe this is truly the choice of the Holy Spirit.
I guess I just got my hopes raised in the media due to some of the nice programming surrounding the death of John Paul II. Silly me. The worst part isn’t that they’re discussing the issues that many American Catholics have problems with as these are very real struggles many go through. The part that makes me upset is the bold faced lies. Including Chris Matthews’ statement regarding contraception, that even though the church teaches against it, that “All American Catholics use birth control”
It is driving me crazy as I try to flip through the channels to find a worthwile reporting of the Papal election (No EWTN in this misison diocese). All the news channels keep parading before us these people who continually criticize basic tenets of our faith. I keep realizing more and more that they don’t understand that the pope is simply the guardian of what is true, the Catholic faith handed down from Christ through the centuries. What they see it as is a political election like the pope is the “president” of the church and that whoever is elected gets to push their platform forward.

I’m so FRUSTRATED! AHHHH! I’ve had to put myself in timout to avoid breaking my TV.

Throw your prayers at them.
Swiss Guard said:
The fact the media hates him makes me believe this is truly the choice of the Holy Spirit.

Great point, this reminds me of a comment I read in here earlier from a non-Catholic who is researching the Church who said that when she heard the media bashing the newly elected Pope, she figured this must truly have been a good choice as you said.
It is driving me crazy as I try to flip through the channels to find a worthwile reporting of the Papal election (No EWTN in this misison diocese). All the news channels keep parading before us these people who continually criticize basic tenets of our faith. I keep realizing more and more that they don’t understand that the pope is simply the guardian of what is true, the Catholic faith handed down from Christ through the centuries. What they see it as is a political election like the pope is the “president” of the church and that whoever is elected gets to push their platform forward.

I’m so FRUSTRATED! AHHHH! I’ve had to put myself in timout to avoid breaking my TV.

You are right! They don’t understand our faith at all. My friend you should prepare yourself because this is just the beginning of the onslaught by the Media and dissenters. I expected as much, the Media is so predictable and the Catholic League warned us last week. I do know what you are feeling, I have to stay away from shows with Chris Matthews because he really gets to me! I have one of those old “Nerf” balls made out of soft foam. You can throw it at your TV and not do any damage but at the same time let out some frustration!! Thankfully we have this forum where we can vent and be understood!
I keep realizing more and more that they don’t understand that the pope is simply the guardian of what is true, the Catholic faith handed down from Christ through the centuries. What they see it as is a political election like the pope is the “president” of the church and that whoever is elected gets to push their platform forward.
Exactly!! Many of us Americans see this as a Democracy, that we all get our say in the matter. There is a far higher power in charge here, Gods laws do not change. We need to get that thru our skulls. We mold our lives to fit how God wants not the other way around.
Something I wrote quite a few days ago:

Re: Mormon Reaction to the death of John Paul II
I do not like cynical people for the most part, but I find myself developing a cynical attitude towards people outside of the Church right now. I was happy to see that people of all faiths and cultures expressing sorrow for the passing of Pope John Paul II. Now, after the secular world and non-Catholics have taken a deep breath, I’m afraid of what’s next. I do not feel that the media will let this die down and “let his soul rest”. I’m apprehensive and feel that there will be a lot of criticism and scrutiny to be dished out by the very people who covered the events. I pray that I’m wrong. 🙂
The two times I’ve thought of throwing something at the TV was when (on a Chicago station) they showed a group of women making pink smoke rise & they blathered on about how angry they were that THEY were left out of the whole Pick a Pope Process. It was hard to take them seriously with all that pink smoke in their faces & I couldn’t decided if by saying “they” were left out of the process they meant them personally or women in general??? The second time was right after the Pope gave his blessing, they cut away to “reaction from Chicago” which was basically a guy with a mike in the face of a bunch of 20 something guys, all of whom said the new Pope sounds good but then they went on to say they weren’t actually Catholic themselves. Right. Well thanks for sharing.
This is exactly the reason why I’m not watching anything related to the news or any of the talking heads on t.v. tonight. My doctors have warned me to keep my b.p. under the stroke level for at least 2 more weeks, that’s why I’ve not been around here for sometime now. I let to many of the anti-life crowd get to me last month, and I’m not about to let the anti-orthodox crowd get to me now.

Linda H.
Keep your blood pressure under control.
Prevent tension headaches.
Avoid accelerated respiration.

Do not watch the dying legacy media.
Keep in mind: This is the very same media that predicted “The Passion of the Christ” would either die a quiet and ignoble death or stir up legions of Jew-hating Neo-Nazis in a global culture war.

Kinda puts it in perspective, no? :hmmm:
Dear friend

The media doesn’t really know what it is talking about when it comes to the Catholic faith and they are so set on putting ‘both’ arguments forth in some sort of attempt to be democratic and presenting the so-called intelligent analysis of it all that they lose everything worth reporting in the weirdness that is secularism by wheeling on heavily critical no-wits to slam the Catholic faith when the no-wits don’t know anything about the Catholic faith even if they were once part of it because if they did know the faith, they would embrace it into their hearts and never leave it, knowing that it is the truth of Christ Jesus protected and upheld down all of the ages and for all ages to come.

They are so different to who I am that I can’t be bothered to even turn the TV on and watch the circus!😃 It’s like watching children of 8 years trying to figure out pure mathematics, it’s that foreign to the media, they have no hope of ever presenting the Truth as the truth. I watched EWTN on the computer from their website.

I can’t even be bothered to be annoyed at them, they have no idea what they are doing, or what they are saying when they open their mouths and pontificate, procrastinate, opinionate and debate on God’s Church. Just say a little prayer that they will find the truth

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

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