As a definate anti media person, I have been feeling pulled in two directions lately. I have been sorry that I refuse to pay for cable. I really wish I could have been glued to EWTN since John Paul’s final illness.It is driving me crazy as I try to flip through the channels to find a worthwile reporting of the Papal election (No EWTN in this misison diocese). All the news channels keep parading before us these people who continually criticize basic tenets of our faith. I keep realizing more and more that they don’t understand that the pope is simply the guardian of what is true, the Catholic faith handed down from Christ through the centuries. What they see it as is a political election like the pope is the “president” of the church and that whoever is elected gets to push their platform forward.
I’m so FRUSTRATED! AHHHH! I’ve had to put myself in timout to avoid breaking my TV.
However, after getting wind of which way the MSM is going now that we have this pope, I am newly glad to remain a media hater!
Kill your television!:banghead: