If there are natural laws then there must be a natural Lawgiver.
This is just moving the goalposts back. And is nothing more than a vague deism at best. All you are saying is that if there are natural laws, then they must have come from somewhere.
No argument there…
As l, and others, keep writing: everything is designed. I believe it is you claiming that some things are not designed.
Indeed. Everything that is natural. Everything that has evolved naturally. Nests and orchards and iPads have not. There is evidence of design. Evidence of purpose.
And if we cannot differentiate then we must also have an Intelligent Designer for nothing exists that has not been designed.
This is the corner into which you have painted yourself. If you can’t actually differentiate between that which is designed and that which is natural (people like Behe claim that we can and indeed spend a lifetime trying to prove it), then there is zero justification for claiming that therefore it all must be designed.
Literally everything in the natural world looks exactly as it should do if it was formed by natural processes. There is a gargantuan amount of evidence to prove this. You have admitted that there is no difference between a natural occurring object and one which has been designed so you have no basis for claiming design.
All you can do is start from the conclusion (there is a God), work backwards to make an assumption that nothing exists without his imprimatur which then allows you to make the claim that everything must be designed. Leading to the conclusion: Well, there must be an Intelligent Designer!
This is the most common fallacy in all Chistendom. The apologist uses the conclusion to formulate statements which prove the conclusion. It takes some digging up out of all the rhetoric and side claims but it is invariably in there, tucked away out of the light. I really don’t think that most people know they are making a fallacious argument.
Again, just because you may not like it doesn’t preclude the potential of reality. A loving God also makes hurricanes and earthquakes as well as puppies and kittens.
Well, now we know that He didn’t just light the blue touch paper but is directly responsible for the design of literally everything, we can examine what He’s given us
Perhaps God, if He exists, cannot be pigeon-holed in your narrow and subjective view of what love is and what divine love does/does not allow. Perhaps “loving” is an insufficient term to fully describe this God.
What was that? It sounded like the noise they make on quiz shows when someone gives the wrong answer. Except that in this case it wasn’t so much wrong as fatuous.
Let’s say an alien race a few million years in advance of us suddenly appeared and started randomly experimenting on us, doing a bit of eugenics to improve the stock, reducing the planet’s population to thousands because it seems it would be a benefit to the galaxy as a whole. Sorry about the pain and destruction, but it’s for the greater good don’t you know…
Your response might be: We cannot judge them on our very limited understanding of why they do this. Our narrow and subjective view is just not applicable.
I’ll pass on that. And so would everyone else. Our ‘narrow and subjective view’ is all we’ve got, buddy. There is no alternative. There are no other options. We describe what we see as we see it.
You are making exactly the same mistake as Milly. Start with the conclusion (God is all loving) and then come back to the statement that everything He does must be good. Including the loa loa nematoad worm. I mean, He didn’t make them just for fun. They just didn’t happen. We have spent quite a few posts making sure that all Christians were on the same page - EVERYTHING has been designed.
If someone had genetically designed that worm and released it into the general population, how would you describe that person? Yeah, me too. Diffcult to find the words really, but I could think of a few.
But you want to give God a free pass because…well, He’s God. It seems sadistic. It seems barbaric. It seems like the work of a monster. So maybe you could tell us how else we are to descrbe it.
Of course, you can play your get-out-of-jail card and tell us that we cannot know the mind of God. Which takes us back to the aliens. And in any case, whether we could know His mind or not, if it walks like a duck etc, then how else are we to call it?