I don’t agree with this part. Your philosophy is only correct if people are born brain surgeons.Obviously I spliced your quote…sorry.
Firstly, we need to understand that not everyone is equal, and therefore, not everyone can be treated equally. It is a fallacy that all humans have equal traits…obviously we don’t. I would not expect the janitor at a hospital to be able to perform complicated brain surgery, nor would I expect them to get paid the same.
Everybody has the same ability (unless they have a brain-disorder) to learn the skill or trade, (if they want to) and become a brain surgeon; Black, white, working class or otherwise. Theres no such thing as a “trait” as if people are born with different levels of intelligents. If this is so, it is even more of an injustice to exploit such people, since they have no power over their ability to learn; one cannot say they should be paid less.
.Obviously I spliced your quote…sorry.
Also, our system, while not perfect, allows for personal responsibility. I am a teacher (hence the screen name), and I see the lack of personal responsibility inherent in our schools. It is a fact that highschool drop outs earn nearly 65% of what high school graduates earn (GED earners generally earn 75% of what a high school diploma would get you). Why do people drop out? Because they don’t want to do the work to recieve a diploma (which is what I have seen nearly every year I have taught). Should they be rewarded for poor decisions, simply for ‘fairness’? There are natural and economic consequences for our decisions and actions. Most of the kids who drop out come from broken families, which have broken the natural morality that Paul VI speaks of in Humanae Vitae
I probably made no sense what ever…I am being pressed for time.
The issue here is that the “free market” doesn’t have a safety
Net; a law enforcement that provides and protects people who cannot compete in the market; and why should it; Life is a competition for survival! That’s Capitalism. Why is it like this? Corporation and profit dictates law, not Government. Why is it okay for them to dictate law based on what is profitable, but we cannot have a law that governs the market for the benefit of all? Nobody who is honest or clearly understands, would argue in favour of the abuser, unless abusers themselves.
Nobody that is reasonable would say that you shouldn’t be rich if you work for it! But most corporations in this society become rich by the exploitation of others; and these are the people that truly govern the system. Its all competition, that’s why everything is becoming privatised, everything is a business; it isn’t about people. Human life.
I also believe that you should be paid for the service you provide. However it should be “law” that, what ever business that employs you, they should pay you a liveable and dignified wage.
Why doesn’t this happen? It’s not just the human condition; it’s the way the market is set up. The government will never pass such a law because the people that fund the government and their wars, are the very same people who are the exploiters of nations.
Not everybody can become a brain surgeon, simply because to survive in this world, you have to compete with other brain surgeons; it has nothing to do with the human ability to “achieve". If everybody had high trade skills, and, by right of their ability to perform, wanted a high paid job, this would present a problem for the market, since nobody of that calibre is going to accept a meagre, barely liveable wage, just because he is forced by the competition of the market place to work in a low skilled job. In fact such a person would be in an up roar and would call it immoral; Survival of the fittest mentality. The pay system is wrong.