Does Church Militant represent a small % of Catholics?

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Recently I watched something from Church Militant. I should have stayed away, because I knew it would be an occasion for me to get angry. Well, I watched it anyway.

I’m so torn up about this. Please tell me most Catholics are not like Church Militant.

Why haven’t they been rebuked by the Catholic Church? Or have they?

Knowing who I am, if CM represented the Catholic Church, I don’t think I could even remain Catholic!
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What is it ? I don’t know and want a ‘potted version ‘ please?
The best way would be to look up their website or YouTube channel and look at the kind of content they supply. Or even the titles of their videos.

They’re popular enough in Catholic circles to at least have a reputation. I only fear that they are representing some Catholic majority.
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I am not being lazy I promise just I’ve not even been catholic for even a year and not sure I would be able to pick apart what they’re doing wrong from what they’re doing right. Every time I’m on here I hear about something I don’t have a clue about or what not aware of
What makes you so angry with them?
Most of what they produce is spot-on, albeit presented with hyperbole.

And…a little righteous anger is the correct response to the shenanigans we have been subjected to.
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See this is what I mean two people in total opposition to the same thing, it batters my head
Most of what they produce is spot-on, albeit presented with hyperbole.
That’s what I fear most Catholics believe, hence the point of this thread and my asking.
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I think more and more are having the blinders removed. I think “most” believe the gist of what they are saying, but “most” will be talked out of it. A few more responses on this topic ought to prove that.
To my mind, they are many things wrong with Church Militant. The first and probably worst is that much of their content is presented with hatred. Many Catholics, for example, have problems with Fr James Martin (who promotes dialogue with LGBT people). Well, in the video I just watched, there was VERY horrible treatment of him. The main guy Michael laughing at him that he should “just come out” already. And the other guest calling him an “idiot.” And saying things like gay men cannot be genuine male figures, and blasting all gay priests, and calling Pope Francis power hungry.

Another point would be that they set themselves up as a new magisterium, disregarding the bishops and almost defaulting to the position that the hierarchy deserves no respect. Especially Pope Francis!
Well that’s definitely not ok I know that much ! I will read more over the weekend and see what I think.
Why haven’t they been rebuked by the Catholic Church? Or have they?
The archdiocese made them take “Catholic” out of their name. There’s not a lot more they can do. Just don’t read/watch their stuff. They engage in some very un-Christian behavior – no matter how much you disagree with people, name-calling is never appropriate.
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I know a lot of Catholics in real life (as opposed to on-line) and not a single one subscribes to any of the kind of thinking portrayed by Church Militant. It is like a different religion. I would stay off the website and be careful who you interact with.
Yeah that has nothing to do with what I posted.

Being hateful towards people is a very different thing.

Even besides that, we are to share the truth in love.

The kind of truth CM shares… I wonder if it even affects anyone outside their own clique. Who are they evangelizing? Who are they bringing to Christ and the Church? Who are they loving and accompanying?
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Take heart. All we have to do, at its most basic, is love God and take care of each other. Jesus gives us the example. Correct sinners for sure, but only after loving them and affirming their dignity as children of God.
I follow CM on Facebook, and I’m about 50/50 with them. Sometimes I do agree with them, especially regarding Fr. Martin. Other time, it definitely seems like they’re twisting facts… at least… I hope they are.

To be fair, I also followed Fr. Martin for a time, until I honestly couldn’t stomach him any more. That had nothing to do with CM though, and everything to do with his disgraceful celebration of homosexual culture…
Study the last 50 or so years of the Church’s history. Gather some data. Then, ask yourself these same questions as they apply to the institutional Church.
To be fair, I also followed Fr. Martin for a time, until I honestly couldn’t stomach him any more. That had nothing to do with CM though, and everything to do with his disgraceful celebration of homosexual culture…
I disagree regarding “his disgraceful celebration of homosexual culture.” Regardless, he does not dererve hateful comments like “idiot” or “he’s a priest so he can wear dresses” or “he should just come out already.”

But this thread isn’t about him, anyway.
Who is to say I don’t have data or do not comprehend church history?

Nothing justifies hate towards another human being.

And, again, I’m looking for explicit teaching from Christ or the Church that promotes the methods of Church Militant.

I’ll ask again: Who is CM bringing to Christ or the Church through their methods?
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