Eternity is an idea that we as humans cannot grasp, but does the notion of eternal life really appeal to everyone? Would we have any concept of time passing as we did in our earthly existence?
I’m honestly not sure how I feel about it. Maybe eternal rest is the preferable choice.
Good question.
Those who take their own life want to end this life so much that tho they may consider a next life, they are in so much pain that they no longer care about a next life. They only want to terminate their life. Some may consider the consequenses of their action, but others just want to stop pain and even want nothing more to do with life at all, here or hereafter.
I also think that when considering the next life, others may look forward to total evaperation because this life for them has been miserable and difficult, and again want nothing more to do with life at all.
And of course the bad/evil person dosen’t want to face the consequences of their action and do not want what the next life will bring.
There may be times when even a good person would welcome non existence for a short time, because of a loss or an awefull experience.
Outside of these, when someone doesn’t want to go on living forever, is simply a lack of knowledge of what the next world of happiness is all about. Some think it will be constant work or that it will be boring, or that they won’t be able to do all the pleasurable things they are use to, or the idea of heaven they have does not appeal to them, or we will be just standing around looking at one another, or…or…
Heaven isn’t any of these things. A person is looking for love which fills us up. Just look at a pair of honeymooners who are in love. Look at the love between a mother and infant in her arms.
In heaven a person is swimming in more love than they could ever experience in this world and it can last since we are eternal beings. No pain, just pure love never to leave us again.
May God bless and keep you. May God’s face shine on you. May God be kind to you and give you peace.