Does future create God's knowing about it or God's knowing create future?

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I don’t know right category. I had read days before a topic about confession and omniscience.
And my questions is- does God know our future before we choose something or after choosing?
Or maybe He know everything and our free will is illusion?
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God’s omniscience doesn’t determine our end. God can both know what we determine and give us the power to do so. He does know the future.
So if He know the future, He know both options or He know what we will be choosing.
For example- if I’m going to get married and I’m sure I wanna marry him but while question I say “no i dont want to marry you”, will He know about changing my opinion? Even before I wanted it?
And If He know, as you can say- we have choice? Right?
Yeah God knew you would experience this before and that after. He knows what you determine. It’s all now to God I think.
Neither, all is present to God. God created All Matter, Energy, and Time. He is not subject to them.
For a good exposition of this, read the Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis.
If there is no free will you would not notice - it would be beyond comprehension - it would seem like freewill.
If not explain how you could know that you have no free will.
Either way it would seem like free will.
Good points.

If there were no such thing as free will we couldn’t even bring it to mind.
God knows. But we don’t, so from our perspective we are free to choose, we use our free will all the time. I don’t see the issue.
I don’t believe in predestination as far as our own outcomes are concerned. If everything that happened to us were predestined, that would totally negate free will. I do believe that God knows every choice we make before we make it, but he doesn’t create our future for us. He lets us make whatever choices we will. He simply knows about them ahead of our making them – it’s called foreknowledge. And because we have free will – and God honors our freedom – he usually doesn’t interfere with our decisions.

Just think – if God interfered with our choices or thwarted our free will, the two world wars may never have happened. He knew we humans were going to cause them, and he allowed us to do so. We are NOT pre-programmed robots, nor are we puppets that he manipulates. He has given us the Ten Commandments, and it’s up to us to decide if we’re going to live by them – or not.

Foreknowledge isn’t predestination, although some folks seem to confuse the two.
For me it sounds most catholic… But the question is- does God know what I will choose even its free? F.e God knows that I choose sin beetween no sin and sin? 😉 or He wait for my decission?
Is something about it in Bible cause i couldnt find it, the simple answer
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The problem here is that we, as humans, think “in time”. there is a past and a future, and some say, no such thing as a present as time does not stand still.

And because we for the most part do not have much if any experience of being “outside of time” , we constantly make reference to God as if God were also in time…

All things are present to God at once; there is no future or past; there is not “next”. God “is”. It is not that God knows what will occur; all things, past, present and future are all present without time.

That is not to say that God cannot or does not act “in time”; only that if God acts, we understand it and experience it ''in time".
None of the above. God is past, present and future. Future is not a “thing” unless and until it is created - but it already has been.

Unless this murky concept of the unknown future is actually a god(?)
The problem here is that we, as humans, think “in time”. there is a past and a future, and some say, no such thing as a present as time does not stand still.

And because we for the most part do not have much if any experience of being “outside of time” , we constantly make reference to God as if God were also in time…

All things are present to God at once; there is no future or past; there is not “next”. God “is”. It is not that God knows what will occur; all things, past, present and future are all present without time.

That is not to say that God cannot or does not act “in time”; only that if God acts, we understand it and experience it ''in time".
This is most sensible.
It’s hard question anyway.
So it’s like everything will happen for me, for God happens?

And every prophecy in Bible is sign of that our future for God is known.
Yes as someone said, neither. God lives in the eternal now there is no past or future. He sees all as present including what we think of as future.
God is outside time. He is simultaneously present to all of time. It is like someone on a high mountain, seeing a vast prospect before him. The fact that he sees what he are doing now from His own eternal instant, outside time, doesn’t mean that He predetermines it.
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The Creation account is a series of “next” steps. First this, then that etc. Time.
The creation account is written by humans, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. God did not “get up” one day and think to himself, “It is dark around here; I think I will create light”.

It is hard to wrap one’s mind around something which is completely and totally outside our experience; and everything we experience is done so “in time”, meaning one think happens, then the next…

God simply “Is” (Hint - scripture tells us God revealed himself to Moses, as translated into English “I am who am”.

The question is, what is time? Time is a measure of change. And as God is unchaining, then he is not “in time”.

There is time, not because God is in time, doing one thing after another, but because the physical realm is always changing. As we observe changes, we measure them in part by what we call “time” - one of many forms of measurement.
God does not wait. That would imply God exists only in our universe. The is no future in eternity, everything is “present” to God “always”. I put those words in quotes because even those words imply time.
With regards our future actiind, God knows them because He sees them.
One analogy is as follows. Yesterday I decided to go to the office and work instead of staying home. Now, just because I know now what I chose yesterday, does not mean I did not freely make that choice.
Gid does not know what we will do because He sees into the future. Gid knows what we will do because God does not have a future.
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Yes and no. If you think if a decision as determining what one will do, then no, it was nit a decision. It was the will of God, always present to Him. God’s plan has and will always existed, that us it is part of eternity. God plan for all creation has always existed and includes every free choice made by His creatures.
But he is not a designer, He did not lay out His plan, look at it in the future, see that Adam would sin, say “dangit, now what? I guess I will become man and redeem him”.
IF by that you mean "At some point in time did God not plan to make creation and then later he decided to, the answer is “No”.
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