Why shouldnt it be easy to believe in him? LOL Back in the days he walked the earth, he obviously had no problems showing what he could do…if he wanted people to seek him out instead of ‘just knowing’ the truth, he COULD have done nothing supernatural and just told those people to trust in him, have faith and to pray…but he did not, he chose to do miracles, and other supernatural acts right in front of crowds of people…so it it was good enough back then, what is the harm today? I dont see one, in fact, if he did something like this in front of a large crowd, video would spread like wildfire and many people would turn to the faith…essentially, the same thing he did 2000 yrs ago…??A period of feeling doubt allows us to more freely turn to God with our wills. If we always experienced the good feelings Catholics call “consolations,” then it would be easy to believe in Him just for them, no? Without those assurances of God, we must really make a decision for or against Him.