Does God actually talk to YOU?

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Not in my personal experience, like you might talk to me. I put in a thread closely related to this question, though, as to whether we can distinguish God genuinely speaking to us from our own overactive imagination.
You are not alone when you question this. My own husband and several friends approached me with great skepticism when I told them there was somthing I did because God told me to. Did I actually hear his voice? No. Did I clearly know what he wanted me to do, yes! Would he have punished me if I didn’t, no, but I would not have received the blessings that I received for following his directions. How do you know it his Him instead of you? I knew because what he wanted me to do, I would never have done on my own. He also gave me the strength to do it. If you are open to personal revelation, he will provide it, IMHO.
I believe the Church teaches that God communicates with us in our properly formed consciences.

I have heard an interior voice. Sometimes pointing out someone who needs help that I hadn’t noticed, a couple of times to answer the question I was asking our Lord at adoration. I make no claims as to “who” it is, as the voice has never identified himself (myself?). However, I test the answer. If it is good? within the parameters of the Faith, does it lead me closer to God? Does He give me other confirmations?

EX. I was praying in front of the Blessed Sacrament to discover how involved I should become at Birthright. Finally I prayed that as a former debater, I’d be standing at the pearly gates before I decided one way or the other, as I saw pros and cons both ways. I finally prayed that God was going to have to hit me over the head with a baseball bat so I could hear Him. Next morning I attended daily Mass, and included my intentions for an end to abortion and the conversion of all those who support, have, or perform abortions.

Immediately after Mass, the woman next to me turned and said, “You know, we really need you to volunteer at Birthright.” I got the Holy Spirit bumps, and still do when I tell this story. Was it God answering my prayer? I think so. I went home and told my husband, who didn’t bat an eye and told me to volunteer–it was a great thing to do. ((name removed by moderator)ut necessary in deference to husband as spiritual head, and principal of homeschool).

Similar story about me wanting to incorporate with Regnum Christi for the spiritual formation. The inner voice actually laughed at me in a loving way and asked, “Aren’t you being formed?” I was. Then I was asked by three separate individuals to discern for RC. Prayers still yielded a negative. Husband looked at me, and said that he thought it would take too much of my attention away from our home and homeschool. I still don’t know what it is God has in mind for me–I’m still “forming” ;^) , but I know that when the time is right God will lead me where I need to go.

So, does He talk to me? I think so, but I still don’t know whether it’s my own conscience, or guardian angel, or the Holy Spirit Himself–it doesn’t really matter, except that I used to smile to myself at evangelical friends when they would say, “God told me to…” I don’t laugh anymore. They were probably better Christians than I was at the time, or maybe they were just confused, but I think they were most likely trying to discern God’s will and listening as best they could.

In Christ’s peace and joy,

Robin L. in TX
The first time I heard God Speak was when I was about 3 years old and He told me that I would write about highways and cities along the highways of this country and it would give evidence of his moving among His people and this story would be the greatest work of my life. All my life I have hear him speak to me and a few times in a audible voice. He told me who I would marry before I even knew who she was. He told me every job that I would have years before I moved into that type of work and sometimes I was very skeptical of the kind of work He said I would be doing.
I often get annoyed by people who do not hear God and love quoting the Bible in things that God said to someone else. If they have the knowledge to see that God has given everyone a mission to accomplish as it is shown in the Bible, than why not seek the face of God with all your heart and see what He has for you instead of pondering what He said to someone else and think that this is somehow a good and Holy mission. Be all that you can be by hearing His voice instead of hardening your heart. God Bless
Up until 10 years ago, I would have answered, no I have never heard God audibly speak to me, but I always felt He was working in my life. But something changed all that.

Almost 10 years ago, my mother-in-law was dying of a serious debilitating heart ailment. I had already talked to my spouse about taking her into our home to be cared for because my wife is a nurse. The task was overwhelming because our house was already busy with 3 growing boys. Could we do this?

Well, this was the Lenten season, and my wife and I attended a bi-lingual stations of the cross. Men were volunteering to carry a heavy wooden cross( not the usual processional cross) from station to station. You could tell it was very difficult to handle since the men took turns each station. The grandmas followed carrying candles as each stop. My wife remained in the pew.

I saw from a distance that she appeared to be getting agitated and was turning around looking for something or someone. After a couple more stations, she bolted from the pew and was clearing the path to get close to the men who were bearing the cross.
She then grabbed the cross from one of the men, and he look dumbfounded, but she raised the cross over her head to everyone’s amazement.

Later I found out that she was praying quietly in the pew for strength to bear the overwhelming task before us in carrying for my mo-in-law. My wife on occasion would wake from a sound sleep in a panic thinking about the impending death & what lie ahead. So she turned to prayer always. But during the stations, she heard a voice clearly say…Go, carry my cross!. At first she was startled but the voice persisted & got stronger, and she was driven to the cross.
As she reached for the cross, she felt arms enfold around her, lifting the cross…and she recognized immediately a sensation of complete peace…and in her heart felt resolve…and she heard…if you are willing to carry my cross, do you know I will always carry yours. Since then, she has repeated this story to others. It even cured her of any future panic attacks. She has restored faith to another woman who was housebound for months who suffered also from panic attacks.
We have dedicated our family, our business, our ministry in our parish to God and his goodness. God talks to us, sometimes even audibly but mostly in our hearts
Form the words of the bible…“We walk by faith, but not by sight!”

I have so many other stories about how he has entered our life. Just be open to it. It’s when we try to micromanage that we get into trouble. Let Go and Let God is more than a slogan. It really works.

Please remember all those who are the recent victims of the hurricanes. Also cosider a donation to the Catholic Charities in the dioceses affected. They are a continual presence in the community. The Catholic Charities of Venice FL has a website for an address…check it out.
Does God “talk” to you? I believe He does. There are many on this thread that say He speaks to them through subtle (or not so subtle) direction in their lives–He does. There are some who hear God’s voice in scripture–clearly He is there. There are some who have heard a voice–I believe that can happen too, but I also understand the skepticism of those who worry about the mental health or demonic influences perhaps afflicting those who audibly “hear” God.

I heard what I believe was God’s voice once. I was devastated in my marriage–we had been struggling for years–married young and immature in a civil marriage. There was no adultery, no violence, no neglect, just CONSTANT turmoil for more than a decade. FINALLY I turned to my faith (I’m a little slow…) but my husband wasn’t budging (NFP was a big sticking point–it was one more thing I was MAKING him do). In desperation to follow God, but feeling the issue of NFP was going to be the straw that broke the camel’s back–I went to my empty (except for me, and Jesus in the Eucharist) church and knelt in the back pew crying silently and praying over and over “what am I supposed to do?”

I heard a CLEAR, LOUD, but SOFT deep voice say one word: “ABIDE.”

I stopped crying immediately utterly astonished that I had gotten such a clear and immediate answer. It was not a voice I heard with my ears but I heard it nonetheless–it was like it came up from my own chest and it gave me an immediate peace even though it wasn’t what I wanted to hear. It meant struggling MORE. (What did I expect to hear from the man who allowed himself to be crucified?) It works. My marriage is convalidated and we no longer struggle CONSTANTLY–(of course there are times when there is dissent in our marriage–we ARE married–but now we have the grace of a sacramental union and we ABIDE).

To this day, that one word (and of course, He who spoke it) sustains me when I face all kinds of struggles. To keep me ever mindful of his blessing, I bought a pendant and had the word ABIDE engraved on it and I wear it with my crucifix and Miraculous Medal everyday.


God “talks” to me but not in auditory ways.

I am sceptical to trust auditory voice as Gods voice, because auditory voices are one of the signs of hallucinations. (The mother of a friend of mine left her children and husband because God told her so, she said). :rolleyes:

But I think that since God knows each of us individually he will speak to us in special ways when **we really need that ** (through dreams, words pupping up inside us, special coincidences etc). :gopray2:

When I was a protestant on my way to the catholic Church, but still unsure, I prayed and prayed for Gods guidance to make the right choice. One night I dreamt that I saw Jesus in front of a big ROCK. **The dream was very intense. ** ❤️

No one will be able to convince that this was not a message from God!

With that said, I am not willing to accept everything people says about messages from God as Godgiven. People have diffrent personalities. Some are highly susceptible! Espesially I will be suspisious if someone clame to have got a message from God, that contradict the teaching of the Church!

God Bless!

I just have one question.

Why are these ladies telling you or anyone that they hear God’s voice audibly?

The reason I ask this is because any Saint of whose life I have read have usually been asked to talk only to their confessors when revealing such revelations and all was handled with an attitude of great humility, not a “tell all”.

This to me, is one way of discerning the validity of these womens’ claims.

This doesn’t mean they might not be speaking the truth, but it’s a good thing to proceed as the Church does…with extreme caution. - God bless! Mfaustina1
PS read about St.Faustina, she wrote diaries about her walks with God as well as St.Francis of Assisi.
I do not hear a real voice in my ears - BUT I absolutely hear that still, small voice in my heart. That sometimes is very clear - and usually only a word or two. Not descriptive but very clear and it usually comes during my time at Adoration. Like “Not now but soon”, “stop praying for yourself, pray for others”, “fast”, “cast your worry”.

This is great and so true, I go to Adoration with an agenda and walk out with a whole new plan from God. God speaks through the silence of my heart. But I have a lot of energy so I have to work very hard to listen.
I have never heard God’s voice audibly…but I have felt him pull at my heart and soul in a very strong way, it’s hard to explain but at times just remembering his love for us and giving his life for our sins can bring tears to my eyes.
When I’m in deep prayer and asking him for forgiveness of my sins…i feel a very overwhelming desire to be with him, then a calming sensation…just like he is sitting right beside me telling me everyting will be okay. the Lord really does work in mysterious ways.:yup:
Speak Lord ,Your servant is listening. The question is do we take the time to speak to God.Its all about having an intimate relationship with our Lord. Intimacy is all about be in love with our Lord Jesus Christ.There is no way you cannot hear His voice when your in Love with Jesus. 👍
I just have one question.

Why are these ladies telling you or anyone that they hear God’s voice audibly?
Because they were asked.

In Christ,
Nancy 🙂
If today you hear His voice harden not your hearts.God speaks to us. Sometimes its His breath.Holy Spirit}. No words necessary. 👍
Yes, first, Jesus, in the Eucharist, asked me as I knelt in prayer, “Why do you continue to deny yourself receiving me? When will you come to my banquet?” This in 1985.

I had been active in a parish, attending Mass regularly and fully in love with the Church. My parents were very anti-Catholic and I had just been getting my life back together from some mistakes in early adulthood. I didn’t relish telling me them that I had decided to become Catholic when I had refused to attend church with them.

I did tell them and began RCIA later that year.

#2 many years later, my uncle had died on a Thursday. Late Friday my mother called me to say my aunt was having a massive coronary. My cousin, an only child, it seemed would be orphaned just a day after her father’s death. I cried out to God, while kneeling before a crucifix, “In your infinite wisdom and mercy, please choose what is best for my cousin.”

I heard within my soul , “This is my infinite wisdom and mercy.” And indeed as the events played out, it was for the best.

3 I had just finished praying the rosary by myself. I thought I would stay and write a grocery list. Then, a voice I hadn’t heard since 1985 - spoke the opening lines of a story I had written years ago and dictated the story to me for several more minutes. I was inspired and kept writing.​

4 I had had a terrible morning with my son. I had not been the mother I should have been. I knew I would be able to go a Mass that morning, I asked one of the women I had come to know about asking the priest to hear my confession. She told me that I shouldtake my remorse to Jesus.​

I did and from that moment until the prayers of the Eucharist were begun, I heard. “I love you, I love you…”

You may think I am a lunatic, but my pastor is aware of my private revelations and so is the priest who conferred most of my sacraments. They are not overly concerned since my moments are mostly about me.

They know I have a devoton to the Holy Spirit – I figure that is part of why God made ADHD.
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