Does God exist inside of human DNA

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Genesis 1:27New King James Version

27 So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.

Does this bible passage, mean the same thing today, as it did 500, 1000, or 2000 years ago? I doubt it, because now we know that our image comes from our DNA, and that DNA controls every aspect of what we are. So if we are created in the DNA image of God, we should be able to be God. Would God create something that was ignorant and useless, or would he recreate the knowledge of himself in order to give us the ability to rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth."

So does DNA hold the image of God?
Genesis 1:27New King James Version

27 So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.

Does this bible passage, mean the same thing today, as it did 500, 1000, or 2000 years ago? I doubt it, because now we know that our image comes from our DNA, and that DNA controls every aspect of what we are. So if we are created in the DNA image of God, we should be able to be God. Would God create something that was ignorant and useless, or would he recreate the knowledge of himself in order to give us the ability to rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth."

So does DNA hold the image of God?
My dear DNA Rose,

Catholicism does not teach that God exists inside of human DNA.
Agreed. Since we are made in God’s image and likeness, and since Christ is both fully God and fully men, then we human beings are, in a certain sense, minimized versions of God.

God is the only creature who has the ability to create other creatures, instantly and without the use of prior materials. This is sufficient enough to classify us (and the angels, for that matter) as a totally different species from God, despite our many similarities with him.

I would wager that God’s essence is inside *everything *he creates, including microscopic entities such as DNA, and even in every virus and tiny particle of dust. He exists in everything that exists and which will exist in the future, hence his omnipresence.

Some people have theorized that DNA is God’s signature, like a kind of diary or mark.

Hopefully I’m not advocating heresy. 😊 It’s easy for the devil to spread falsehoods if one are not entirely sure if what he’s saying.
My dear DNA Rose,

Catholicism does not teach that God exists inside of human DNA.
Does Catholicism teach that Martians have the right to be baptized? and if so when did this teaching begin?

Again, the bible says that man was created in the image of God. Does Catholicism teach that this is wrong?
Agreed. Since we are made in God’s image and likeness, and since Christ is both fully God and fully men, then we human beings are, in a certain sense, minimized versions of God.

God is the only creature who has the ability to create other creatures, instantly and without the use of prior materials. This is sufficient enough to classify us (and the angels, for that matter) as a totally different species from God, despite our many similarities with him.

I would wager that God’s essence is inside *everything *he creates, including microscopic entities such as DNA, and even in every virus and tiny particle of dust. He exists in everything that exists and which will exist in the future, hence his omnipresence.

Some people have theorized that DNA is God’s signature, like a kind of diary or mark.

Hopefully I’m not advocating heresy. 😊 It’s easy for the devil to spread falsehoods if one are not entirely sure if what he’s saying.
Let me be respectful.
You will be amazed at what you and other gentle readers can find out about God and your own human nature in paragraphs 355-368 and paragraphs 1730-1732 of the universal Catechism of the Catholic Church, Second Edition. Be sure to first read paragraphs 20-21 which explain small print usage.

Tiny note: Genesis 1: 26-27 is what makes it possible for humans to get into heaven.😃

Links to Catholic teachings
Agreed. Since we are made in God’s image and likeness, and since Christ is both fully God and fully men, then we human beings are, in a certain sense, minimized versions of God.

God is the only creature who has the ability to create other creatures, instantly and without the use of prior materials. This is sufficient enough to classify us (and the angels, for that matter) as a totally different species from God, despite our many similarities with him.

I would wager that God’s essence is inside *everything *he creates, including microscopic entities such as DNA, and even in every virus and tiny particle of dust. He exists in everything that exists and which will exist in the future, hence his omnipresence.

Some people have theorized that DNA is God’s signature, like a kind of diary or mark.

Hopefully I’m not advocating heresy. 😊 It’s easy for the devil to spread falsehoods if one are not entirely sure if what he’s saying.
We are not minimized versions of God, we are the image of God.

DNA is what all life is, DNA is the greatest thing in the known universe, as DNA allows for the universe to exist. DNA is what will guide our path to the heavens, in quest of our father.

The truth, and your passion for this, can never be heresy, except to those, who fear the change that the truth often brings.
Let me be respectful.
You will be amazed at what you and other gentle readers can find out about God and your own human nature in paragraphs 355-368 and paragraphs 1730-1732 of the universal Catechism of the Catholic Church, Second Edition. Be sure to first read paragraphs 20-21 which explain small print usage.

Tiny note: Genesis 1: 26-27 is what makes it possible for humans to get into heaven.😃

Links to Catholic teachings
Where in what you suggested that I read, does it say that Martians can be baptized?

I prefer to read about quantum teleportation, and the fishing section of the local paper.

Does that make me a poor Catholic?

Must all good Catholics, do as you specify?

Was Jesus a good Catholic?
An interesting post.

I recall reading somewhere (wish I could remember where) that the name of God himself is written in our DNA. Something about the 4 Jewish characters for the name of God, and how these 4 characters are related to the 4 nucleotide bases in DNA. …The book is “The God Code” by Braden. I don’t know how much stock to put into it, but it was an interesting premise.

It really is amazing how this molecule directs its own copying. Was watching “The Race for the Double Helix” the other day, and there was a line in there that talked about how this molecule has been replicating itself continually all the way down from Adam and Eve.

Always a purine base (2 rings) with a pyrimidine base (1 ring). This makes 3 rings across each “rung” of the DNA ladder. Whenever I see “3’s” in nature, I always think of the trinity.
An interesting post.

I recall reading somewhere (wish I could remember where) that the name of God himself is written in our DNA. Something about the 4 Jewish characters for the name of God, and how these 4 characters are related to the 4 nucleotide bases in DNA. …The book is “The God Code” by Braden. I don’t know how much stock to put into it, but it was an interesting premise.

It really is amazing how this molecule directs its own copying. Was watching “The Race for the Double Helix” the other day, and there was a line in there that talked about how this molecule has been replicating itself continually all the way down from Adam and Eve.

Always a purine base (2 rings) with a pyrimidine base (1 ring). This makes 3 rings across each “rung” of the DNA ladder. Whenever I see “3’s” in nature, I always think of the trinity.
The neatest thing about DNA, is that we are actually clueless as to how it works, we know only what certain portions are for. Thus saying that the human genome has been decoded is nonsense. DNA takes elements from the earth, puts them into the order, that allows for you to read this, DNA is a chemical computer code, that is life. It is the most amazing thing in the known universe, because without it, there is no universe, to be comprehended. DNA is all knowledge, as without DNA, knowledge can not be understood.

DNA, is the image of God, that makes us who we are. And what we are, is the image of God, that he has given us, to use in our quest for him and if and when we find him, we will not recognize him, as he will be just as he made us.

PS. If only 1 percent of that rings true, it is still amazing.
now we know that our image comes from our DNA, and that DNA controls every aspect of what we are.

No: DNA is not what’s meant, theologically, by the imago Dei.

Moreover, DNA does not control “every aspect of what we are;” it certainly controls the physical aspects of “who we are,” but does not determine anything about our soul. By the way… our soul is what is created “in the image and likeness of God.” 😉

No: DNA is not what’s meant, theologically, by the imago Dei.

Moreover, DNA does not control “every aspect of what we are;” it certainly controls the physical aspects of “who we are,” but does not determine anything about our soul. By the way… our soul is what is created “in the image and likeness of God.” 😉
Your image, even the way you choose to dress, the brand of cigarette you might smoke, and your hobbies, are controlled by your DNA, check out the Jim twins if you never read about them.

PS. Your soul, if created by God in his image, is the DNA molecule, as this is his greatest work, that we know of…which is us.
Agreed. Since we are made in God’s image and likeness, and since Christ is both fully God and fully men, then we human beings are, in a certain sense, minimized versions of God.

**God is the only creature **who has the ability to create other creatures, instantly and without the use of prior materials. This is sufficient enough to classify us (and the angels, for that matter) as a totally different species from God, despite our many similarities with him.

I would wager that God’s essence is inside *everything *he creates, including microscopic entities such as DNA, and even in every virus and tiny particle of dust. He exists in everything that exists and which will exist in the future, hence his omnipresence.

Some people have theorized that DNA is God’s signature, like a kind of diary or mark.

Hopefully I’m not advocating heresy. 😊 It’s easy for the devil to spread falsehoods if one are not entirely sure if what he’s saying.
I just wanted to point out God is not a creature. A creature by definition is something that was created. God was not. He is the Supreme Being, the source of existence itself.

Other than that I don’t think your post is heretical. 😉
Your image, even the way you choose to dress, the brand of cigarette you might smoke, and your hobbies, are controlled by your DNA, check out the Jim twins if you never read about them.

PS. Your soul, if created by God in his image, is the DNA molecule, as this is his greatest work, that we know of…which is us.
The soul is immaterial. It can’t possibly be the DNA molecule. Otherwise then that means the soul dies when the body dies, which as Catholics we know is not true.
The soul is immaterial. It can’t possibly be the DNA molecule. Otherwise then that means the soul dies when the body dies, which as Catholics we know is not true.
Of course, Catholicism teaches that the soul is immaterial.
Occasionally, some Catholic teachings are being skipped or changed. :o

And occasionally, science is mangled. 😦
I just wanted to point out God is not a creature. A creature by definition is something that was created. God was not. He is the Supreme Being, the source of existence itself.

Other than that I don’t think your post is heretical. 😉
Where do you get this revelation, that God is a creature?

Never did hear that one…!
The soul is immaterial. It can’t possibly be the DNA molecule. Otherwise then that means the soul dies when the body dies, which as Catholics we know is not true.
How many souls have you seen?

Actually, DNA can be used to clone a nonliving body, thus DNA might just be the soul of which you speak. Again before you argue this, please tell us how many souls you have seen?
Of course, Catholicism teaches that the soul is immaterial. This thread often skips real Catholic teachings.:o
Not to be a stickler, but Catholicism once taught that the Sun revolved around the Earth, and put the inventor of the telescope under arrest for claiming otherwise. The Pope also has endorsed evolutionary theory, so you can pretty much toss the old out for the new, and welcome the aliens when the come, as Jesus might just be with them.
The Catholic Church, including its founder Jesus Christ, is to be politely respected on CAF.
I believe that the Catholic Church, including its founder Jesus Christ, is to be respected on CAF.
Galileo was put under arrest by the Catholic church for discovering planetary orbits.

The Pope, has endorsed evolutionary theory, a wonderful thing, as God had to invent what is evolving.

The Pope, would baptize a Martian, by his own words.

Jesus could come back tomorrow.

Catholic teaching has changed, and is changing, this is good, because our understanding of the image of God is changing as well.
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