Is there any such thing as a car ‘accident,’ for example?
Yes. We are created with free will. There is chance, chaos, sin and all kinds of stuff available in this universe.
If yes, would you agree that God can protect us from such accidents?
CAN He? Perhaps. We won’t know entirely until the last day, (either personally or communally), when all will be revealed. But maybe not, either. He creates person “A” and person “B”. They are each created with free will. Persons A and B are both driving at night, and person B bends down to pick up a CD she dropped on the floorboard, taking her eyes off the road, and plows head on into the car driven by person A. Person A is killed. This is as a result of person B’s negligence. It doesn’t diminish the fact that both persons A & B are creations, and in the image and likeness of God. It doesn’t mean that God loves person B more or less than person A. God’s creations of free will, gravity, physics, etc. all played a part in ending one persons physical life. The rain falls on the good and bad alike. The big question is, are we in love with our creator? Are we okay with giving up this life on a moment’s notice, and being with our God for eternity?
For example, is praying to God for a ‘safe journey home’ fruitless?
Absolutely not. Our prayers are our communications, conversations, and letters to God. See the book of Psalms. Though God “knows” what we want, He also know what we need. Just as our earthly Fathers. We go to our earthly fathers and ask permission to do something. Our earthly father will either say yes or no. When he says no, it doesn’t mean he doesn’t love us. It means he knows something more about what we are asking than we ourselves do, and his answer is based on that knowledge. God always derives a greater good from earthly tragedy. He always hears our prayers, and answers yes or no based on what we “need”, what is good for us, and how it connects up with the God’s will in ways which may or may not understand or even appreciate. But He’s God. We give Him the benefit of the doubt, just as our earthly parents. He has knowledge we don’t. It’s on a much grander scale that earth parents, but the concept is the same. We still ask. We still pray.
I personally do not believe that God leaves anything to chance; all is known, and everything is in the hands of God.
That would take away the point of us as a creation. Without man’s free will, then God can’t love us. You can’t love a wind up toy, or a robot. He does know everything in the sense of He is outside of time, and every new thing that happens creates the fullness of time which or course He sees all of before, during, and after it happens. All in one totality. But within time, all is till decisions from free will endowed creatures. Sometimes, God will alter something in a way that we can notice WITHIN time. This is what we call miracles. I believe this is answers to prayers where our request for intervention doesn’t contradict the will of God, but was perhaps not in the standard trajectory. An angel might fiddle with something on God’s behalf, in order to provide an alteration to a decision we’ve made with our will. Or to prevent the effect of someone elses bad decision. This is not the norm. It’s special. I believe in miracles. In extraordinary intervention. If it was for everyone at all time, it wouldn’t be extraordinary, nor miraculous, and would also mean that free will was meaningless. Which would once again, get back to the meaningless robot thing.
The implications seem to be profound here and worthy of thought. I would contend that it would be a heresy to deny that God leaves anything to chance.
It says in the scriptures that God makes His rain fall on everyone. Whatever happens with that here in our lives is based on our free will, decisions, and frankly, sometimes, just being at the right/wrong place at the exact right/wrong time. By chance. I think we agree based on your final sentence unless I’m reading it wrong.