This what you have written is were I can not understand why some people can not see that there is many ways in which people form a relationship with God. Isn’t that why our church in a way begs us to keep coming to church, no matter your sin, and that’s going to included people who think slightly differently.Well, I have my answer. God created us good. As Saint Augustine said, everything about us is good, and through the Spirit we see that whatsoever exists is good. So, before God forgives us we are good, and after God forgives us, we are still good. But such forgiveness assumes that God has ever held something against us in the first place, that he has taken offense, and that brings us back to your pet topic, Original Sin, Adam, etc. And, according to Granny, a person cannot have a faith in Jesus unless he believes in original sin, and I am going to say that is not necessarily the case, and you are going to insist it is because the CCC says so. I don’t see the human as stained, and you do.
Now that we have that out of the way, I say that Jesus forgave the unrepentant, and you say no. The priest that taught me said that God always forgives, and you disagree. My question is, can you walk up to receive communion with me? In your view, I am obviously not repenting from my belief that God forgives everyone, which is the God I know in my prayer life. Do you forgive me, Granny, or will you not join me at the table? It is holy week, dear. Pray on it
In the mean time, you are talking about a God who demands expiation, which is the Anselm view, and Cardinal Ratzinger presents a different way of looking at the whole. So, given that the Cardinal was not leading people away from Catholicism, and he actually characterized Anselm’s view as presenting a “false picture”, (which I disagree with in terms of language) perhaps we should all avoid the use of the word “false” for the moment and focus on more important things like love, community, and reconciliation. Come to the table, Granny. There are people with different views of God, “cafeteria Catholics”, apathetic Catholics, scrupulous Catholics, ultra conservatives, ultra liberals, a whole variety. Come to the table!
We all understand things in our own way too, not one of us has the same life up bringing.
But when we view something in a way that doesn’t match church teaching we are a heretic?
That can only be a human way of thinking, I can not fathom what God would be thinking in our human way.
I love our church I think it does much for the world, it maybe slow in catching up to the 21st century in certain area’s, but it has the message of love from God for ALL people