To me the existence of moral evil-the worst kind -is only possible because certain beings in this world possess free will. Thus, lions and tigers and other such beings don’t commit evil while humans do. But why would such a free will exist at all and why would it necessarily result in evil? If other beings-whom we generally perceive to be inferior to us in many ways -are incapable of acts of malice, then why would a being such as ourselves who’re also capable of great acts of love, kindness, heroism, etc. ever do so? It is the unreasonableness of evil -the fact that it is avoidable but exists anyway-that makes it point, IMO, to transcendence- “something bigger than us”-going on in this universe. Evil cannot exist unless goodness does as well. In this sense, then, the existence of love-the ultimate good-and evil-the opposition to love- both serve to testify to Gods’ existence.What can you say to someone who flatly states there is no God or the terrible things that happen in this world would not happen?