Does God really exist?

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I am a Catholic baptised and recieved the sacriments while attending Catholic School for 9 years with follow up teaching after school teaching.
My faith was shallow till I felt a need to know if Jesus was real to me in a personal way. Much of my life was like the man in the story “Hound of Heaven”. God had performed many great miracles in my life such as sending an angel to revieve me after a drowing accident.
Also I could see the power of a unseen hand in nature.
Yet till I was 19 suffering from clinical depression did I come face to face with the reality of Jesus when he sent an angel again to bring me back from a attempted suicide. I was shown the life that he had for me in the next 40 years and in this I said "I was about to throw my life away but now I give you my life Jesus, do with it as you will !
This gave me a heart to love God and Love His Holy Bible, yet through all this still lingering dought still tormented my mind until about 6 and a half years ago when I was praying for my falmily, who were into drugs and alcohol. That evening at 7:07 pm on March the 15 the Heavens opened up before me and Jesus came to me in His Glory as He did to Paul on the road to Damascus and He touched me on the neck and said “So that you know who I am”. That summer I experiance the annointing of God so powerfull that it changed my matabolism for 6 months. I would heal twice as fast and need only 3 hours of sleep to fell totaly rested. I would wake up early and sing praises to God till dawn.
He opened up my eyes to His presents all around us so that when I would be doing my job, driving over the road, I would see Him in the rivers and Highways and cities of this great country.
He made Indiana like a left foot to remind us we all started out on the wrong foot, and Michigan to remind us he is always wating to save us and Ohio like a heart to say He loves us.
He made Indianapois to remind us of original sin. In the heart of the city the White River to remind us of His Glorius Holyness and Highway 40 to remind us that the first man and woman were tested. Highway 31 splits into 431 to form a forked tongue over the city because Satan came as a serpant in Gen; 3,1. The man and the woman failed the test that is why Highway 36 and 37 because 3,6 they ate of the tree of good and evil and 3,7 they saw that they were naked. Highway 69 leaves between the Fall Creek and the White River because where sin abounds grace much more abound.
The Good news is that the fortress is waning in Fort Wayne. In the middle of the fortress is Highway 930 because the Whole life legacy of the first Adam was death and no man could over come it but in the city is the Mary and Joseph Rivers and between them the Maumee because they had a Son who would say MOMMY but when ask Hoosier Daddy He would say God. He began at age 30 to speak of a new kingdom of eternal life but at age 33 He went underdeath and swallowed it up in VICTORY,that is why 30 goes over and 33 under and New Haven is at the eastern gate to the city. Highway 3 on the Rand Mcnallly map is a black line under the city but becomes a bright orange line over the city because on the third day He rose up in Glory. Three goes to Brighton at 120 because He gave this resurection glory to the 120 and it has been a bright 2000 years because of Him. God Bless
Dear friend

People tend to compartmentalise different aspects of humanity and earth in order to mentally deal with them and study them bit by bit, therefore, people will study ‘the sciences’, ‘the arts’ ‘the histories’, ’ politics’, ‘the psychology’ etc, but what they tend to do is study them without any connection to the Architect of all of them, and that is God our Father. They compartmentalise, the spiritual, the religious under ‘theology’ and seperate it out from all things, when it can never be seperated, God our Father is the creator of all humanity and the earth and as such all things should be studied with God our Father at the forefront of these, then the natural order of things are truly studied in their origin, but we don’t tend to do this as a human family, we love to categorise. We even categorise people and then judge them on this basis, if only we didn’t categorise!

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Steven Merten:
Scientist will tell you that things devolve into lower states of organization not higher.
Not always true. Read up on Gibb’s free energy where you will learn that a reaction can be spontaneous if the enthalpy change is a lot greater than the entropy change. Or look into reaction kinetics, where you will find that you can form less thermodynamically favored products (ie the kinetic product). And don’t forget that the earth is not a closed system - the sun pumps tons of energy into our system every day. So, the above is not a good argument to bring up to a scientist.

I think that one of the difficulties is that many scientists do not recognize the spiritual side of man. They attribute emotions, creativity, etc., to electronic impulses in the brain and chemical reactions in the body. With ‘evidence’ like this, it’s hard to convince some scientists that humans are not purely physical creatures.

There was a time when Neanderthals were not. Then they came into existence. Soon afterward they went out of existence.

In other words, they didn’t have to be here.

There was a time when the Earth was not, and sooner or later, the Earth no longer will be. The Earth, too, doesn’t have to be here.

But it is.

The same goes for everything in the cosmos. The universe as a whole didn’t have to turn out the way it did.

And yet, it did.

If these things don’'t have to be here, what brought them to be, and what’s keeping them from either not being the way they are now, or not being at all?

What made these merely *possible *beings— Neanderthals, the Earth, and the cosmos as a whole— actual?

Something that cannot not exist. Something that’s necessary. Something that has to be here in order for things that don’t have to be here “be” at all.

This is what we call “God”.

There existed Neanderthals.

Therefore God exists.
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