They have not been disproven whatsoever. You are merely asserting(which you seem to do quite a bit). There have been many attempts to disprove them but I think all the attempts I’ve read fall flat or argue strawmen.These have all been disproven, both scientifically and philosophically. Further, they imply a cause, not a god - and certainly not the Christian God.
And fair point, they don’t prove the Christian God (Hey another thing we agree on!) But that wasn’t Aquinas intention, merely to prove a First Mover, Efficient Cause, Necessary Being, etc. He later goes on in the Summa to prove the Christian God. Give it a read if you have the time.
This is the building fallacy. Please read http://www.newadvent.org/summa/1025.htm. Thank youit does not in any way imply a omniscient or omnipotent being. In fact, it actually rejects an omnipotent being because the universe is FINITE.
As I said above:Why does the first cause have to be perfect?
Now [God] is the first principle, not [material], but in the order of efficient [cause], which must be most perfect. For just as [matter], as such, is merely potential, an agent, as such, is in the state of actuality. Hence, the first active principle must needs be most [actual], and therefore most perfect; for a thing is perfect in proportion to its state of [actuality], because we call that perfect which lacks nothing of the mode of its perfection.
Mere assertion. Saying mine is not consistent and logical is akin to saying the Catholic Church’s God is not logical. I am merely arguing Classical Theism. Which I think if it was illogical and inconsistent then intellectuals would have disproved it long ago. But they haven’t. Which in the end, you don’t care about.But my God can logically exist and is consistent, yours cannot.
Ridiculous argument. God will decide which He decides to do. That is what makes it a counterfactual. Come on, you can do better. The decision to make the choice is what makes it a counterfactual choice, but God makes the decision.Consider - will God end the world tomorrow? Yes or no? If there IS an answer (regardless of what it is) - God is shackled, he MUST follow through one way or the other. Is that something you want to concede? God NECESSARILY must do as the counterfactual states. No theist would agree to that.
You misunderstand the five ways. Please reread them“The first cause is immensely powerful” or similar things (which also is not true, as for example, a butterfly can start an avalanche) - but no one can claim the first cause is omnipotent. Nor can they claim it is omniscient. It is nothing more than a cause, an event, a trigger.
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