You have an element of “unchanging” about you, though there was a temporal time before you came to be born.
Assuming your name is “pohandes” and has been “pohandes” since your birth, since your earliest knowing of yourself, you knew, “I am pohandes”.
When 5 years old, “I am pohandes.” At 10 years old, you know, “I am pohandes.” And when twenty years of age, “I am pohandes”, and when you turn 80 years old, you will know, “I am pohandes.”
In your soul, which is your beginning, you know, and animate repeatedly your bodily voicing of your knowing, that “I am pohandes.”
Your being, formed in your soul, is what you are and have been since you were made, your “I am pohandes,” and your materially conscious thought finds itself always aware of who you are without change, even though the material of your body changes and moves over time, even though your thoughts come and go, still your knowing never is different as to your being.
You are Pohandes.
I am John Martin