Does it bother anyone else the marriageable age was 12 before?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Avermaria
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I notice that many people bring up the shorter education of the past as a thing that might have made child marriages more excusable, so I have a question:

In countries where child marriage is common today, for example Mali, most people have a very short formal education and learn their trade from their parents. Life expectancy is also quite short, about 50 years. Is child marriage excusable in Mali? Is it wrong for westerners to campaign against child marriage in Mali (i.e. “judging them”)?
This is totally unrelated but I wanted to point out that tech school continues to exist in our country and both Pope Francis and me are what would be translated as “chemical technicians” by High School.

So when I came to this forum I always considered weird how Americans and British couldn’t work in any qualified job until after some years in University… now I know that you used too! I agree that tech school is a great option for people who doesn’t want to continue in education, and even for preparing for University (technicians here undergo many more hours of hard sciences than regular High School students).
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