Does john paul see all religions as equal?

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Joan M:
Katherine, which “preceding post” were you responding “yes” to?
The immediate preceding post. In English we read left to right and then down a line. I was continuing the discussion from where it left off.
The post immediately preceding your was from Mark.
Exactly. I was agreeing with him.
Quoting the response to which you are responding will ensure that people know exactly what you are responding to.

As for “similar accusations” from me - well, we can only read what you have written. And I have read enough of your posts to form an opinion.
Well, others read my post as I intended. I’ll try to be ever more clear and I would hope that if you could slow down before you jump on my posts because you don’t like what I’ve posted elsewhere that would help as well.
Each person born on this earth is created in the image and likeness of God. Now we can all agree that there are millions of people who have lived and died who never heard of God or Jesus and therefore had no chance to accept or reject Him. It is a gift of grace that I was born into a Christian Catholic family and have had the opportunity to know and receive Christ through His Church. Just as I would have a hard time leaving Christianity for Buddhism, Judaism or Islam, I have to imagine it is pretty hard for those who were born and raised within those religions to reject them for Christianity. I believe that what the Holy Father is doing is teaching us that we are all children of God. His Word is written on the hearts of us all. We yearn for Him even when we don’t understand it exactly. Jesus died for all mankind, all who seek will find, all who knock will find the door opened to them. In other words, God is there for those who earnestly seek Him, even if their search never leads to Catholicism, He is there and will welcome them. We don’t understand His ways, but He said that all would bow and know the name of Jesus. Yes, in the Catholic Church one can find the fullest of revealed truth but we don’t know what is not yet revealed. Jesus said that the only way to the Father was through the Son and with His death and resurrection, Jesus opened heaven for all mankind. Only God knows what is truly in our hearts and who truly yearns for Him. John Paul, I think, understands that all men of good will seek Truth and that is what he respects and honors. I have no problem with that, afterall, I am not a Christian because of anything I have done, but through the grace of God.
To reggie’s post quoted in this post –

Amen, brother, and God bless you, faithful servant of the Lord. You are a true Christian witness.
The immediate preceding post. In English we read left to right and then down a line. I was continuing the discussion from where it left off.

Exactly. I was agreeing with him.

Well, others read my post as I intended. I’ll try to be ever more clear and I would hope that if you could slow down before you jump on my posts because you don’t like what I’ve posted elsewhere that would help as well.
Katherine the third sentence is mean and you do that all the time to those who disagree with you in any way.So do not be surprised if people are leary.This time you just insulted her intelligence in other threads you call names and it is not nice.God Bless
Hey everyone,
i want to thank everyone for responding to my question. it has honestly helped a lot. i found the references of where to go for more info (like teevee’s, thanks!) very helpful. but please, can everyone keep in mind that we’re all brothers and sisters in Christ? Katherine2 was trying to help; let’s not start splitting hairs about what specific phrase/post/whatever she was referring to. this thread is starting to remind me of the Clinton scandal . . . let’s not start debating what the meaning of the word “is” is:) . anyway . . . everyone has been a great help and I think this is something that needs to be discussed because many faithful Catholics who love the Pope have been confused by some of his ecumenical actions. not to say theyre wrong, but just confusing. but again, this discussion has helped me a lot, and im sure others too. so let’s all stay friendly and have a legitimate discussion and refrain from quarrelling! 👍

To the one who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you unblemished and exultant, in the presence of his glory, to the only God, our savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord be glory, majesty, power, and authority from ages past, now, and for ages to come. Amen.
He-he, we get that a lot here friend!

I think JP II is brilliant and would recommend you familarise yourself with his encyclicals (from the vatican web site) and any books you can find. I certainly think this would put your mind at rest and help you to understand where he is coming from and where he’s headed to (heaven I think!)!
Hey everyone,
i want to thank everyone for responding to my question. it has honestly helped a lot. i found the references of where to go for more info (like teevee’s, thanks!) very helpful. but please, can everyone keep in mind that we’re all brothers and sisters in Christ? Katherine2 was trying to help; let’s not start splitting hairs about what specific phrase/post/whatever she was referring to. …
Thank you. If I was even a little help, it was a great joy to me.

I deeply appreciate the community of faith in the UK. Every now and then a copy of The Tablet comes my way, and it is always stimulating reading.
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