Einstein understood that we can observe the Laws of physics figure out how they work, but we will never know why they work. He thought of them as being books in a foreign language that we could decipher. But these books are infinitely large in an infinite library. He asks the question, do these books have an author?
Satan’s greatest trick was convincing the world he doesn’t exist. Atheist or agnostic, Einstein doesn’t believe in the devil and therefore doesn’t know about his intent to destroy mankind.
If mankind had all the knowledge there is to know, it’s power would be used for ransom. The world would be destroyed. Imagine if Kim Jung Un baught it.
Satan’s greatest trick was convincing the world he doesn’t exist. Atheist or agnostic, Einstein doesn’t believe in the devil and therefore doesn’t know about his intent to destroy mankind.
If mankind had all the knowledge there is to know, it’s power would be used for ransom. The world would be destroyed. Imagine if Kim Jung Un baught it.