Ok, if Aristotle’s God exists, and everything that exists, has existed, and will exist, was an idea of the Divine Intellect, could the universe potentially be any other way than it is now? (exuding the actions of beings with free will)
My answer would be that the universe could not potentially be any other way.
Here is an example: J.R.R Tolkien is plans to write a story. In his intellect he has his idea of Middle Earth. When he writes this story down on paper and thus creates his story, does it have any potential to be anything other then his idea of Middle Earth? For surely he must have the idea of middle earth before he writes the story.
So here is another example: God wants to create something. The idea of His creation is in His Divine Intellect. He then creates His idea, which is the world as we know it. Therefore could something exist in a way that is contrary to His idea (Unless it is acted upon by free will)? I would answer no. So a random outcome could not be an outcome that is contrary to the idea that was in the mind of God.
Furthermore, if in the Divine Intellect, he had the idea to evolve species over time, why would this system be flawed to the extent that it would require him to intervene in the evolutionary process? Why wouldn’t the original motion moving creation from non-being to being suffice for the organization necessary for the evolution of species?
So what I am trying to say is, I don’t think neo-Darwinism is against the faith. We are not forced to participate in the intelligent design movement. If neo-Darwinism is correct, it may hurt our teleological argument, and many people may make erroneous philosophical and metaphysical conclusions from this natural truth, but I do not think that is necessarily atheistic. I think that it is really neutral, and perhaps even expected from our point of view.