No, evolution is blind as to purpose so anything that results from it is likewise blind. Some people assume purpose because their personal view of the world requires it.Bradskii:![]()
It’s irrelevant whether desire evolved or not. If we can discern goal direction in the behaviour of an organism, including ourselves, then that’s what it is, and it shouldn’t exist if metaphysical naturalism is true for the reasons i have already argued.Desire evolved.
If an amoeba moves from a heat source, it is exhibiting an evolutionary derived response to avoid being one of the ‘less fit’. Does it move with purpose? That is, ‘intentionally’? Not in any accepted meaning of the term. Yet that ‘intention’ evolved into a ‘desire’ to move away from danger. They are one and the same thing. Don’t let the fact that we can consider it philosophically lead you away from that.