Only a person can have authority.
The Bible is inerrant God-breathed Scripture (written word of God) but it is not God Himself. The words in the Bible did not magically form themselves into a book, and they do not interpret themselves.
But Scripture does tell us who DOES have authority. St. Paul tells us, when we have concerns, to go to the Church, which is the pillar and bulwark of Truth.
And Matthew tells us what the Church is, St. Peter was the rock on whom Jesus formed the Church, and to whom Jesus gave the keys of the kingdom.
The Bible also tells us what ‘keys of the kingdom’ mean. The King when he had to leave the kingdom would appoint a royal steward or vicar. This person was given ‘the king’s authority’ while the king was away. The kings stored their treasure and locked it away with keys. If they were gone and their people needed the treasure, how could they unlock it? The answer; the man with the king’s authority who had the keys to the treasure to distribute it in the king’s name to his people.
So; who has the authority (the person, Christ’s bride, the church, under the authority of Christ’s steward, the pope) to proclaim the written word (the Bible) and interpret the teachings? That’s your answer. Two necessary things coupled with the third, the ORAL or SPOKEN word of Christ, preserved through the Church, which helps guard and guide the written word as it predated the written words, never contradicts the written word, and as it were is an example of the Trinity itself, being the ‘three things below’ mirroring the Three Divine Persons above.