My mother and father were married for 30 years. They were married in a non-catholic church because my father was an non-practicing Catholic and we were raised by my mother’s faith. But after 15 years of marriage, mom and us kids converted. My father started praying again, and they remarried in a catholic church. They had another child to celebrate this union. We all started going to Catholic church together as a family. It was the best time in their marriage and my childhood. My father however began slipping back to his old ways. He became an alcoholic, committed adultery and verbally abused my mother. My mother had no choice but to get out and divorce him in the courts because he was bankrupting her. She didn’t want to annul her marriage in the church however because she understood the sanctity of the sacrement.
Before the seperation my father had a lady “friend”. When My mother asked him to leave, they began living together. My father’s live in girlfriend is also divorced- she was not married in the CAtholic church.
My father began the process for Annulment after his girlfriend told him that she wanted a Catholic marriage. My mother was against this and wrote several letters to the tribunal stating why. She was really treated poorly by the the person who was I guess was overseeing their case. I think he was a Deacon. She felt too intimidated by him to go and fight the annulment so she just let it happen. I also wrote a letter to the tribunal telling them what sort of father my father was.
In under a year, the annulment was granted and my father and his girlfriend are planning to marry. How on earth is the church allowing this? I keep telling my mother that God knows her marriage in valid and my father will have to answer for this because I really think the church made a huge mistake.
Another thing I am wondering is: Did my father get to see the letter I wrote to the Tribunal? Or do they keep those things confidential.
Thank you for listening
Before the seperation my father had a lady “friend”. When My mother asked him to leave, they began living together. My father’s live in girlfriend is also divorced- she was not married in the CAtholic church.
My father began the process for Annulment after his girlfriend told him that she wanted a Catholic marriage. My mother was against this and wrote several letters to the tribunal stating why. She was really treated poorly by the the person who was I guess was overseeing their case. I think he was a Deacon. She felt too intimidated by him to go and fight the annulment so she just let it happen. I also wrote a letter to the tribunal telling them what sort of father my father was.
In under a year, the annulment was granted and my father and his girlfriend are planning to marry. How on earth is the church allowing this? I keep telling my mother that God knows her marriage in valid and my father will have to answer for this because I really think the church made a huge mistake.
Another thing I am wondering is: Did my father get to see the letter I wrote to the Tribunal? Or do they keep those things confidential.
Thank you for listening