Does your kids have braces? How much were they?

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I need to get braces for my daughter’s teeth and just wondering what the going rate is in the USA. Someone local just told me they were over $3000 for his daughter’s which I thought was high because were we came from they’re only $1500.
Tabitha, 3k sounds about right. We had our three kids in braces up until a year ago. It was just about $9,000 total for all three. Only have two kids left in braces now. Yay!
We are starting “phase 1” with the ortho to the fine tune of $5,000.00. After 2 years phase 1 should be over and he said we will need to sit back and see what to do next. Her bottom jaw isn’t growing as fast as the top. She is 7.5 years old and will be fitted with her appliances a few days after her 8th birthday.
My daugther will be 9 years old in October and she just recently got braces for the top set of teeth and what they call a lip bumper for the bottom teeth. The total cost for this simple but expensive piece of hardware cost $3,095.00. Oh yea it included a device that they will put in her mouth in about a year that will stretch the pallet on the mouth…She is suppose to wear the braces and lip bumper for approximately 2 years and from there we will see how her teeth do. I hope this will help. Donald
Some of your kids are under 10. I thought you were supposed to wait till the 12 yr old molars came in? Probably because they may make the teeth croaked again?
When my son got braces, they were $1800. My daughter’s will be $2700…certainly makes you feel robbed…lol
Most orthodonist will not put a full set of braces on kids until they are at least 12. My girl that will be 9 does not have a full set, she has only two brackets (put on the first 2 top teeth) then a wire that runs across, along with a lip bumper for her bottom. We had to start early doing this hoping that the problem will be corrected and we will not have to put a full set of braces on her. God Bless
Our 16 year old is obsessed with teeth–she looks at everyone’s teeth!! She wants braces. I really don’t think her teeth look bad, but this is important to her so I took her to an orthodontist for a consult. Of course he found problems that could be corrected with braces–I was SO surprised.:rolleyes:

Anyways, the estimate he gave us was around $5000.:eek: I walked out of there feeling kind of like a big dummy, because I honestly had no clue what braces cost. I guess I naively figured they’d be around $1000 or so. Well we decided she’d have to wait till next year so we could put enough in the medical spending account.

Hey, maybe it would be cheaper to take her to a shrink and find out why she has this obsession with teeth:D .
Perhaps she should go into dentistry. I had a lab partner in a vertebrate anatomy class who was pre-dent and so fascinated by teeth that when we took apart our preserved cat’s jaw, she kept the teeth and took them home (after kindly asking me if I wanted them). Yes, she was a bit odd. :whacky:
My daughter started in them back in April. She had a bite issue which required an expander, so extra $$. Anyway, total cost was $5280 which I could finance interest free or I could get a 10% discount if I paid in full at the start. HTH.
My case exactly, right to the penny - we must have to same orthodontist!!

Add to that my son who is fixing an overbite ($1200) and then will need full braces after that ($??)

I imagine by the time we’re done we’ll have invested about $8000 total. Insurance covers some of this, but not all…
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