Doesn't God get bored?

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Even I had this opinion before, but I was proved wrong in another thread.
In this mentioned thread
Does scripture indicate that God is omniscient?
I answered last, but without further reply:
Most of our Holies didn’t have own neither Bibl nor Catechism (far too expensive), but they understood without. More believing people than not, don’t have one and live in God all the same.
The question is: Do we believe in God or not. In last case, questions like DOESN’T GOD GET BORED wouldn’t arise.

Yes, “God is being the ‘I Am WHO I AM’ as He told Moses he is in the present not in the future. See Ex 3:14 where God said to Moses: "I am who I am I will be what I will be. Say to the Israelites: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’ "

Knowing this passage, we no longer would be able to say; as God “is who He is” – He is just being - in the present not in the future.

Another fact pointes this out as well: In the Old Testament, very many points at the coming of Jesus as our Salvator (saviour) of the world. This intention of God at the time of Abraham and Moses, was future of God and the whole being.

So, we must admit: WE DON’T KNOW.

But as so many other things we’ll never understand, we will see, when (if) we enter Gods Kingdom. So, why worry now.
Essential is but one thing: Do I live in God; in the believe of Jesus’ word, or don’t I?
And NO again to the question, does God get bored. NEVER. We won’t see a bored God, but a very much alive, reigning and adjudicating God.

The platypus, lemmings, bodily noises, San Fransisco… I think nature makes a case that God at least makes efforts to entertain Himself. 😃
God is beyond such mundane emotions as boredom. Way beyond. He is not troubled by such things.
Ya know… when I am having one of those days that nothing goes right… you know… the washer dumps water all over the floor, the kids use regular dish soap in the dish washer… the meat you pulled out of the freezer isn’t thawing… you trip on nothing…and the school calls about your darling prodigy… those are the days I think God is looking down on me and laughing because I am the entertainment du jour…
I probably should answer this question with another question. Do you get bored with the one you love?
**And as God is perfect, He had known what will be, before it was.
So – if God had thought creating heaven and earth will at the end be boring, God had not done so.
But God did.
That means a lot – namely to us.
Since God knows everything, there’s nothing that surprises him. When you take away the element of surprise from something, it becomes dull and boring.

For eg. watching a live football match is certainly more surprising and interesting than watching a match that you’ve already watched before.

So does God not get bored watching all the things when he already knows what is going to happen?
My husband has watched the VERY SAME GAME he saw his team lose last week on ESPN 2 like eight times. And he is JUST as distressed about the same awful plays as he was last week.😃
**A football-match is a game.
Human life and human being is not a game.
It might be funny and sad, distress and joy, and a Thousand other emotions of highest and deepest sort. And as God is with every single person in the world… what an absurd thought about God, that God might get bored…
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