Dogma by Kevin Smith

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I always thought the whole idea of the Last Scion (and specifically what Rufus said about Mary and Joseph) was the part that caused the most problems. I rarely see it mentioned, though.
I haven’t seen the film in a long time, but yeah, that compounds the heresy. Was that supposed to be a reincarnation of Jesus (which doesn’t make logical sense), or some sort of final prophet (like St. John the Baptist and Elijah)?
From what I know he’s still a Catholic or at least some denomination of Christianity. I haven’t read anywhere where his wife is an atheist, do you know a source on that?
I’m a Kevin Smith fan myself, I personally prefer Jay & Silent Bob, along with Clerks over this one lol. And yes, I thought the “Catholicism Wow!” PR Campaign started by Cardinal Glick was the funniest thing in the movie
The Last Scion is supposed to be the last relative of Jesus Christ. According to the movie, the woman who Rufus was talking to was the great great (along with several 'great’s) grand niece of Jesus
I enjoy the film, for the most part (Some of it was filmed locally, which is always entertaining).

But don’t for a minute take it as any kind of theology / sacramentology / catechetical work. Heck, they got the whole teaching on indulgences, which was the maguffin of the plot, wrong! 🤦‍♂️

But Chris Rock had some great lines. 😂

And who can forget: “No ticket!”
I had a friend in high school who was a huge Kevin Smith fan. From her descriptions, it clued me in that it wasn’t going to be my style of humor. So I’ve never bothered to watch any of his movies.
I forced myself to watch the thing so I wouldn’t be in that category of “condemning but ignorant”. Smith actually gives credit to Christan hating Elaine Pagels who Smith was exposed to by a radical nun in Catholic high School, s clear case of allowing wolves among the sheep.

Please find my review on Amazon–if nothing else, bring my review up in rating so others can more easily find it😎
Appreciating it was obviously fiction I also thought about Luke 1:37 so if He wanted to manifest as Alannis Morissette…
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At the time of its release I was unaware of its Comic Book origins so was able to enjoy it on its own merits. It took me a while to get used to the blond Liverpudlian in the TV Series lol!
I was disappointed they cancelled the series.

Quite enjoyed LoES but can’t even recall what I thought of the other two!

Guess this has drifted a little away from the Kevin Smith topic. I love all his films…can’t wait for the J&SB Reboot 😀
I didn’t really care for it (I enjoyed both Clerks and Mallrats MUCH more), but there was a scene in it that I was thinking about this weekend at Mass.

Towards the beginning of the film, the main character is sitting through Mass and all around her kids are being obnoxious and adults sleeping or otherwise not paying attention. At one point, they all rise and say the Apostles’ Creed with zero enthusiasm.

It was over the top, but I think Smith really nailed that scene.
Thanks. Aside from the blasphemies, Smith also failed story telling 101 big time.
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