Well let me spread some good news. My wife will be baptized at the Easter Vigil this year. It has been an inspirational journey for both of us. This will happen more than 14 months after we had originally planned in our old parish (that was lost to Hurricane Katrina). <long story, maybe another time.> I can tell you that these rites have meant a great deal to her and to the other Catechumen-now-Elect.I don’t think anyone is disputing the fact that someone coming into the Church should be catechized. And often the unbaptized, baptized non-Catholics, and un-catechized Catholics need similar instruction.
But what Br. Rich and I were discussing was that the term “RCIA” is often more identified with instruction classes than with the rites themselves. My personal opinion is that many people consider the actual rites, such as (in the case of the unbaptized) the Rite of Acceptance into the Order of Catechumens, the Rite of Election, the Scrutinies, and other associated rites, as insignificant events on the road to the Easter Vigil.
IMO, when people hear “RCIA” they should think of the above mentioned rites, normally held during Sunday Masses, not some Faith Formation class that meets during the middle of the week.