Door to door

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why don’t Catholics go door-to-door? is it because we don’t want to be annoying like Jehova’s witness or mormons?
some do
our diocese is entering the 2nd year of Disciples in Mission, our evangelization program, which in addition to small faith sharing groups in ADvent and Lent, is now starting to train people for door-to-door work. Phase II is identifying Catholics within parish boundaries who are not active or have needs the parish can supply, Phase III will be neighborly approach to all households in the parish.
I won’t lie to you on this…I hate door knocking. I’ve done it as a Fundie and try not to mimic my past. A dog ran after me one day and I threw myself at him like I was playing to protect my wife. Fortunately for me he was friendly…HUGE!..but friendly. Husky I think. I’m about 5’10"or a little more His head came up to my the middle of my belly if I remember right.

Anyway, we’re supposed to do this next year…phase I I believe. What “program” are ya’ll using? I’d like to knock on a couple door of my old congregations…especially the elders and preachers.😉
I think that door to door evangelization is a great idea for Catholics to participate in! 👍 I would love to do it myself but would probably be way too nervous. 😊
If it ever became a requirement that Catholics had to go door-to-door, like with the JWs, I would probably not convert. Aggressive proselytizing is a deal-breaker for me. I think it is much more effective to evangelize through example and by gentle sharing of the faith when a person shows they are open to it. That is what brought me to the point of leaving paganism behind - and I have been pretty deeply involved for many years. A dear friend took the time to respectfully share her faith with me, leaving me to think things over and come to my own conclusions. In contrast, any proselyte coming to my door clutching handfuls of the Watchtower was/is seen with bemusement at best and extreme annoyance at worst. I do not think I am alone in that view at all.
Anyway, we’re supposed to do this next year…phase I I believe. What “program” are ya’ll using? I’d like to knock on a couple door of my old congregations…especially the elders and preachers.😉
now that would be fun
by the way, the training for disciples in mission avoids the common strategies of JWs and Mormon missionaries, is much less offensive, but does include a “flyer” or give-away to leave in homes that accept it. Teams will work in pairs, on a mapped grid of the parish, sytematically, and practice what and how to say, intended as a brief message along the lines of “God loves you”. It is not about engaging people in a debate. We end with an invitation to a parish social event. our bishop feels, rightly I think, that our first effort should be directed toward inacctive Catholics.

good article on Catholic Exchange today from a “revert” that very well describes Catholic approach to evangelization

Here’s a taste of where we came from… scary huh?

As long as we approach people with charity I’m okay with it. But it’s difficult to separate my experiences from my former faith. My wife does not like this idea at all…bad memories.
I don’t go door to door because I’m chicken. bak bak! I hate to admit it, but it’s true.
Having been a real estate agent, I’ll never go door-to-door again. My first time, some old guy screamed – SCREAMED – at me for taking a job away from a man who needed to feed his family. My kids get hungry too! But that was the first and last time I went door-to-door.
My parish has a small group of people that have volunteered to do this. They go in two or three’s and only go where they have been told a Catholic who does not go to Church lives. They had very good experiences. No hostility. They leave a parish bulletin with them and answer any questions they may have about what coming back would involve. Some have divorce issues, etc. Who the priest is, etc. Most are relieved when they find out they are Catholics and not JW or Mormons. They are generally friendly and respectful, and surprised they are wanted.👍
My parish has a small group of people that have volunteered to do this. They go in two or three’s and only go where they have been told a Catholic who does not go to Church lives. They had very good experiences. No hostility. They leave a parish bulletin with them and answer any questions they may have about what coming back would involve. Some have divorce issues, etc. Who the priest is, etc. Most are relieved when they find out they are Catholics and not JW or Mormons. They are generally friendly and respectful, and surprised they are wanted.👍
Now, this is definitely a good thing IMO, and not at all the same as cold-canvassing whole neighborhoods fishing for any random potential convert.
Actually, I’ve seen diocesan priests do this before. As a former defective … I mean defecter…okay I didn’t defect properly so I was considered Catholic anyway…Thank GOD! Made coming back much easier…now where was I? Oh yea. When we knocked doors the one time, we swore never to do it again. However, now that we’re Catholic I’d love to see the shock on people’s faces when they discover we’re Catholic:confused: :confused: :confused: would make for good conversation years to come.

I like the targeting method. But if I do that I would like to drop pamphlets off about false anti-Catholic misconceptions to neighbors as well as the non-practicing Catholics. I grew up confused to but knew a lot more than the majority around me. Now, with all the Protestant converts (not just any Protestant…the one’s that know how to recite scripture and reference quickly)…I feel more at home.😃 I was a Protalolic or a Catholestant… I grew up in a mixed religious home and learned more scripture than both parents and grandparents put together. That’s because I was planning to become a Protestant Minister. I’m not afraid of cold call knocking. It’s fear of getting stuck with someone that wants to act Protestant while doing it…trying to be eccuminical in a way that is offensive. Not all Protestants are the same. We tend to group them in one catagory Faith Only or Bible Only… Its important to know where others are coming from. I like the idea of inviting people to events that will help them learn or have fun or both.
I don’t think going door to door is such a hot idea.

I’ve had all sorts of idiots disturb my peace in the weekends to preach all sorts of rubbish - JWs, Mormons, Black Evangelicals, and others I can’t remember except how annoying they were. I also live near the city centre where there are several shopping centres and markets. As I walk towards home I pass JWs, Scientologists, Falun Gung believers, Hare Krishnas, radical muslim groups and more accost me for attendance at meetings, donations for their good causes, sales of insense sticks and books, and attempts at conversion.

I consider myself to be a person of reasonable intelligence, and I don’t see why I can’t decide on what to believe - all by myself - without needing these brainwashed minions of whatever group - to do it for me.

I have recently sent two evangelicals packing from my door by asking them nicely if they would like a smack in the mouth. They never came back.

I have never smacked a Catholic - priest or otherwise - but should one turn up to bother me - I might not be able to resist temptation… 😃
why don’t Catholics go door-to-door? is it because we don’t want to be annoying like Jehova’s witness or mormons?
It’s true that Catholics are really not practicing evangelization.

As for Jehovah’s Witnesses, I can only give them credit for being persistent in trying to do what they think is right. However, there is nothing more frustrating when you tell these groups over and over and over again to stop coming to your house - Hey, they have a list - so, they should be aware and cross out an address who tells them ‘thanks but no thanks’…Not to mention - I have a statue of the Blessed Mother in the backyard - Uh, doesn’t that sort of send them a message? Again, they are persistent, and for some reason in more recent years, they seem to have gotten the message for my address.
I just had this great idea. We should have people bring grandmas baked goodies door to door and just invite them to the local parrish. There is that old saying " The best way to a mans heart is through his stomach. Maybe the samething could work for the soul. I actually have a simular experience. Before I became a Catholic I had a friend who was and still is a great cook and I always found a way to come over to her shop where she had a catering business or even to her home for dinner. I use to tell her after I was baptist I was going to try to get her a job as a cook for the Pope.But anyways one day she asked me to come to mass and I said OK. I don’t know if it was the really good food she made or even the friendly hospitality but it worked.🤷
I just had this great idea. We should have people bring grandmas baked goodies door to door and just invite them to the local parrish. There is that old saying " The best way to a mans heart is through his stomach. Maybe the samething could work for the soul. I actually have a simular experience. Before I became a Catholic I had a friend who was and still is a great cook and I always found a way to come over to her shop where she had a catering business or even to her home for dinner. I use to tell her after I was baptist I was going to try to get her a job as a cook for the Pope.But anyways one day she asked me to come to mass and I said OK. I don’t know if it was the really good food she made or even the friendly hospitality but it worked.🤷
Trust me - that sounds like a super idea - except that our world has gone so dangerously crazy how many people would accept food from someone at the door? I can just smell those warm choco-chip cookies right now…WHY did you do that to us so late in the evening ? LOL
I found a better way to evangilize this past week at a conference and the theme was “Go And Set The World On Fire”. The conference was hosted by FOCUS-
These guys are on fire and living the Gospel word for word!
I think going door to door can be a good idea. Certainly, it won’t appeal to everyone, but it does work for some people. If it didn’t, Mormons and JWs probably would have stopped a long time ago!

Going to the houses of the non-practicing Catholics is a good idea. If you can bring a priest along, it is even better. I know someone from a parish that called all the parishioners who hadn’t been to Mass in a while and asked them if Father could come and bless their house (something very non-threatening). No one turned them down. Then, when the priest was there blessing the house they had the opportunity to ask questions and address issues that were keeping them away. It worked very well for them.
Trust me - that sounds like a super idea - except that our world has gone so dangerously crazy how many people would accept food from someone at the door?
That’s a good point, too. In certain areas, people probably wouldn’t even answer the door for a stranger! Not to mention, you don’t know who’s door you may be knocking on!
It never stops amazing me how Catholics try to sound so much like Protestant Evangelical Christians. More specifically they sound more like a particular group that shall not be named. But they certainly to not sound like the people at my old church. This baffles me.

This door to door knocking thing that JW and Mormons do…the Church of Christ is also known for that kind of thing. What you don’t realize is that they are really telling you’re going to hell if you don’t come to church with us…that’s in essence the message we were giving too. So don’t be so overly motivated just because one group does something you’re not accustomed to. If you do do it…do it politely with a message of peace and joy. Give the invitation and move on. Don’t try to EVANGELIZE…on the spot as if their sould depended upon it righ then and their. That’s what the invitation is for.
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