I guess I figured that went without saying, but thank you for saying it!It never stops amazing me how Catholics try to sound so much like Protestant Evangelical Christians. More specifically they sound more like a particular group that shall not be named. But they certainly to not sound like the people at my old church. This baffles me.
This door to door knocking thing that JW and Mormons do…the Church of Christ is also known for that kind of thing. What you don’t realize is that they are really telling you’re going to hell if you don’t come to church with us…that’s in essence the message we were giving too. So don’t be so overly motivated just because one group does something you’re not accustomed to. If you do do it…do it politely with a message of peace and joy. Give the invitation and move on. Don’t try to EVANGELIZE…on the spot as if their sould depended upon it righ then and their. That’s what the invitation is for.
The people I know who have gone door-to-door have done so in such a way as you describe. It’s not so much on-the-spot evangelization as it is extending an invitation to come to some specific event at the parish, or a polite offer to answer any questions they might have. They don’t begin with “Are you saved?”