Dos God have will?

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That I knew. My main question is that we clearly see changes in state of existence if we accept there was a beginning, beginning of creation, hence there must be a potentiality toward existence that it does not exist in creation itself hence it has to be caused by God, namely in on decision “be so here it is”. My question is when there was no creation but God, God is complete so what was missing?
Nothing was missing, God was and is perfectly content with Himself…

The reason God created the world is explained by the Catechism of the Catholic Church and is stated as below;


293 Scripture and Tradition never cease to teach and celebrate this fundamental truth: "The world was made for the glory of God."134 St. Bonaventure explains that God created all things “not to increase his glory, but to show it forth and to communicate it”,135 for God has no other reason for creating than his love and goodness: "Creatures came into existence when the key of love opened his hand."136 The First Vatican Council explains:

This one, true God, of his own goodness and “almighty power”, not for increasing his own beatitude, nor for attaining his perfection, but in order to manifest this perfection through the benefits which he bestows on creatures, with absolute freedom of counsel "and from the beginning of time, made out of nothing both orders of creatures, the spiritual and the corporeal. . ."137

294 The glory of God consists in the realization of this manifestation and communication of his goodness, for which the world was created. God made us “to be his sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will, to the praise of his glorious grace”,138 for "the glory of God is man fully alive; moreover man’s life is the vision of God: if God’s revelation through creation has already obtained life for all the beings that dwell on earth, how much more will the Word’s manifestation of the Father obtain life for those who see God."139 The ultimate purpose of creation is that God "who is the creator of all things may at last become “all in all”, thus simultaneously assuring his own glory and our beatitude."140

You can read the Catechism here:

Nothing was missing, God was and is perfectly content with Himself…

The reason God created the world is explained by the Catechism of the Catholic Church and is stated as below;


293 Scripture and Tradition never cease to teach and celebrate this fundamental truth: "The world was made for the glory of God."134 St. Bonaventure explains that God created all things “not to increase his glory, but to show it forth and to communicate it”,135 for God has no other reason for creating than his love and goodness: "Creatures came into existence when the key of love opened his hand."136 The First Vatican Council explains:

This one, true God, of his own goodness and “almighty power”, not for increasing his own beatitude, nor for attaining his perfection, but in order to manifest this perfection through the benefits which he bestows on creatures, with absolute freedom of counsel "and from the beginning of time, made out of nothing both orders of creatures, the spiritual and the corporeal. . ."137

294 The glory of God consists in the realization of this manifestation and communication of his goodness, for which the world was created. God made us “to be his sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will, to the praise of his glorious grace”,138 for "the glory of God is man fully alive; moreover man’s life is the vision of God: if God’s revelation through creation has already obtained life for all the beings that dwell on earth, how much more will the Word’s manifestation of the Father obtain life for those who see God."139 The ultimate purpose of creation is that God "who is the creator of all things may at last become “all in all”, thus simultaneously assuring his own glory and our beatitude."140

You can read the Catechism here:

What do you mean with Glory? Does God need to be glorified? God is not complete if it needs so and there is no reason left for creation if God is complete. You cannot erase the problem by throwing any word. Was that possible that God glorify itself without creation?
What do you mean with Glory? Does God need to be glorified? God is not complete if it needs so and there is no reason left for creation if God is complete. You cannot erase the problem by throwing any word. Was that possible that God glorify itself without creation?
If you reread the quotation I gave you carefully, I think you will see the necessary answer. The completion of God’s Glory consists in manifestion his goodnes externally and sharing his goodnes with the things he has created and eventually giving man a share in his own eternal life.

During the time before creation, God’s Glory was complete in the Foreknowldge that he would create the universe, including man an angels. God rests in that " completed " glory from all eternity because eternity is " now " for God. For God we already existed, his glory was already manifestee. But we ourselves had not yet been made. But in God’s eternal " now, " we already existed.

That’s the best I can do to explain it.

So whether or not we can understand it, it must be so. One thing is certain, there is no imperfection in God.

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