Dr. Laura: What do you think of the woman?

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I’ve heard her name mentioned on several threads. What do you all think of her? 🙂
I used to listen to her on the radio here in Houston before they took her off of AM950 KPRC. At first I thought she was a lunatic, but after a week of listening to her, I thought many of the things she said made sense. The problem is the way she says these things is with too much emotion. She calls it “nagging”, but it’s more than “nagging” sometimes.

Dr. Laura is/was Jewish. She talked about it a great deal. She was born of an Italian mother and Jewish father, and converted to Judaism sometime while she already had her radio show. She ended up in Orthodox Judaism, but I think last winter she announced that she would no longer be a practising Jew. I believe she was actually baptized Catholic as a baby but grew up with no religious upbringing.
Too subtle, huh? I was pointing out that this is the Non-Catholic Religions thread. 😃 I think a discussion of Dr. Laura belongs under “miscellaneous.”

Peace be with you, Jay
I don’t know, Dr. Laura seems to have a bit of a ‘Messiah Complex’, don’t ya think? 😃 And, she IS her kid’s mom. She’s got a fan club, a non-profit organization and a website, for goodness sakes! Shouldn’t that qualify her for this posting catagory?
She is good for business, nothing else has any meaning at all. So all other responses are moot.
I LOVE Dr. Laura. She is a first-rate Catholic, if you ask me. She just hasn’t realized it yet. Harsh, yes, and if I had two minutes to sum stuff up and deliver it, I might be too. Her mother was Catholic, I bet she was baptized Catholic, and I’ll bet you anything she ends up Catholic. She stopped practicing Judaism but has not given up the worldview. She preaches marriage, staying home with your kids, honoring your husband; she has taken a strong stand against Islam, even tho CAIR threatened her, she is against PC think-speak. She urges people to sacrifice for their kids and NOT to only think of themselves. I am praying for her coming into the Catholic Church. Just you wait …
I used to listen to her on the radio here in Houston before they took her off of AM950 KPRC. At first I thought she was a lunatic, but after a week of listening to her, I thought many of the things she said made sense. The problem is the way she says these things is with too much emotion. She calls it “nagging”, but it’s more than “nagging” sometimes.

Well, maybe, but there are times when I wish our bishops and priests had as much courage to speak out boldly as this woman has. I think it ironic that many times it has taken a former Catholic, now Orthodox Jew, to remind Catholic parents of what their obligations are to their marriage and their children.

According to Scripture, we are to “speak the truth in love.” That formula can quickly get out of balance so that we speak the truth in a hard, unloving way, or at the other end of the spectrum, we lapse into a sloppy kind of sentimentalism in order not to “offend.”

I tend to cut Dr. Laura slack and believe that most of the time her “shrill” words are really a bit of shock treatment designed to get people’s heads on straight again so that they can begin to deal with their problems in a fruitful way. Love always has the other person’s best in mind, even when it takes strong words to communicate that.

If I had to choose, I’d take her blunt speech any day over the mealy-mouthed talk of too many religious leaders today who just don’t want to offend anybody.
Is Dr. Laura a Non-Catholic Religion?
(She is anti Catholic from what I have read. )

Much of her advice is good. Much is not sound and is counterproductive or even harmful. Some is downright anti-Christian (Christian as in “New Testament”).
I have wondered why she rejected the Catholic Church, but not enough to read about why.

Some of her advice is good. Some is just the opposite, counterproductive and sometimes harmful.

I used to listen to her a lot. The more I did, the more problems I began to see in what she said and how she said it. Then when I learned that she rejected the Catholic Church I stopped altogether. I think that the Church is pretty clear on what happens to people who do that.
As long as she is apparently in a continuous unrepentant state of mortal sin, then I don’t want to listen to her show.
Yes, Dr Laura isn’t perfect. Yes, she rejected Catholicism. That’s not the point as far as I’m concerned. She’s a much-needed counter-balance to our liberal, sex-obsessed, violence obsessed, selfish, culture of death. We need 100 more of her. Thank God for Dr Laura.
Usually I agree with her. Sometimes she beats people up, usually when necessary. You really can’t argue with her values.
As long as she is apparently in a continuous unrepentant state of mortal sin, then I don’t want to listen to her show.
Why do you think that she is in a state of mortal sin?
I love Dr. Laura!!! 👍 👍 Unfortunately, I haven’t listened to her for a long time, ever since she got taken off the air a couple years back… But I think she’s really done a wonderful lot of good. As for her being shrill, I really don’t think she is. I think a lot of times she has to be really harsh with people because they’re so wishy-washy. People just aren’t used to that. They’re used to people being really careful about their feelings, and Dr. Laura doesn’t give a darn about people’s feelings if they’re doing something wrong.And I think that the people who call her really know what they’re in for. Honestly, anyone who calls in and is waffling on “doing the right thing” knows what they’re going to get!🙂 Sometimes in order to be loving, you gotta get tough!👍
I used to listen to Dr. Laura but I can’t get her on a local station and I haven’t found anyplace on the internet besides her website that I could listen to her.

That said, I don’t care for her anymore. I have heard her be quite compassionate but sometimes I don’t think she hears what the caller is asking and answers according to her pet agenda for the day .

She has admitted once she would like to see a manifesto on forgiveness because she didn’t really understand it. Even so she discourages people forgiving others without anyone really understanding what forgiveness is or knowing what the other person means by it.

She also doesn’t seem to understand what unconditional love is.

And finally, I know most people will disagree with me here but I have a strong feeling about this. I know she is pro-life but I can’t help but think she has pushed some young women over the edge to abortion with her name calling and with the self-righteous attitude her style promoted. I’m talking about women who needed support not a kick in a**, those women who, when not able to do the right (ideal) thing anymore just gave up and tried to “fix” things and start over.

For those of you who listen(ed) to her, remember callers who called about some moral or ethical dilemma and you just knew all they wanted was affirmation from her so they could go lord it over someone. The interesting thing was that Dr. Laura could usually sniff them out. But she couldn’t do anything about the ones out in radioland getting ready to pounce on some unsuspecting soul.
Sorry I did not take your poll, non of your responses fit?

Needless to say I cannot stand to hear her show. I’d rather listen to the kids scream and fight in the back seat.
In a culture where I am assaulted on all sides by a media that is intent on secularizing everyone, sexualizing my children, and making a joke of all morality, I am grateful for at least one additional voice speaking out for some essential truths.

Dr Laura uncompromisingly holds that:* There is a God and we aren’t it.
  • Extra-marital sex is wrong.
  • Abortion is murder.
  • Homosexual acts are intrinsically wrong.
  • There is treatment available for people to overcome same-sex attraction. (This one really gets to the “born a homsexual” crowd!.)
  • A child’s best chance at life is to be raised in an intact home with their mother and father.
  • Confronting instead of rationalizing parental selfishness, when their “choice” is harming their children.
  • If a teenager gets pregnant, teaching her the truly loving act is to let a mature, married couple adopt the child.
  • Euthanasia is morally wrong.
  • There are things that are objectively wrong or wrong. She is against a moral relativism that would let each of us believe we can each choose our own “feelings” about right or wrong.
That said, she isn’t perfect (as if anyone is). For example, she believes that Addictions, Adultery, and Abuse are valid reasons for divorce (albeit the only valid reasons).

Regarding her faith, I am not aware of the reasons that led her to Judaism. For example, I don’t know if she was a practicing Catholic who rejcted Catholicism and converted to Judaism. Or, if she simply fell away from all faith when young, and then found herself drawn to Judaism as instead of Catholicism, for whatever reasons. All I know is that I am not qualified to start throwing stones. Being a “revert”, I know how easy it is to fall out of the Church. I was only drawn back to the Church by grace, not by any great personal virtues or character. Thus, I choose to treat her with charity. No-one outside of her and the Lord can really assess her level of ignorance, invincible or otherwise.

Bottom line for me is she is a voice worth suppporting instead of criticizing. Out society needs more people who are willing to loudly proclaim certain truths. It is certainly an uphill battle for all of us.
I might be mistaken and please correct me if I am wrong, but I think I heard in one of her commercials or something that she was encourages parents to show the beheadings of the prisoners so that they (children) can see the reality of what is going on in the world…don’t quote me please, maybe I heard someone else…

Any thoughts?

Much Love,
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