Dr. Laura: What do you think of the woman?

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I also used to listen to Dr. Laura, but after a while I began to be very upset with her harsh treatment of some people who sincerely needed help. The last straw was when she told a woman that if she wanted to save her marriage she had better get to the doctor and have her tubes tied. The woman was catholic and her husband was not, she told Dr. Laura that because of her faith she felt it was wrong to be steralized, but her husband was insisting upon it. I stopped listening to her after that.

I pray that she is looking into the Catholic church and does accept all the truths of our faith.
I really enjoyed reading her books. I especially liked “The Ten Commandments” and “The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands”. I think we guys should read that second oneas well as our spouses.

I did listen to her program recently and she can come across as a bit curt. I think she honestly loves what she does for a living and respects her callers. She even could be accused of loving her callers and be convicted if that were a crime.

In spite of any perceived shortcomings, she makes me smile and laugh.
I stopped listening to her years ago when she told a middle class woman to drop her teenage pregnant daughter off at the “home for unwed mothers” until the girl got it our of her head that she wanted to keep her baby.

While I agree that two parent homes are generally better for babies then single parent homes I have seen a lot of teenage moms who turn out to be both good mothers and raise good kids, especially with help from their parents. Not to mention that the few beds available in “homes for unwed mothers” are needed for young women who are facing a crisis… they should not be some sort of pound for middle class parents to extort their children into giving up their babies.
So what do I think of Dr. Laura?

She reminds me of a quote from the bible.

“Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.”

The zeal with wich she beats up her callers I find distasteful. I will not listen to her for that reason.

**Z, Thank you for clarifying my feelings about Dr. Laura with a great scripture reference. I don’t listen to her for the very same reason…No charity. **
I used to liston to her. I got tired of the same type of call. The thing I did like about her though was a call she received from someone complaining about Catholics always making the Sign of the Cross. I don’t remimber her exact answer but she told them it was nice to see someone giving a public expression of their faith. 👍
Is Dr. Laura a Non-Catholic Religion?
:nope: Nope.

Now, go do the right thing! 😃
BLOOD RAIN, you can do a Google search and find various AM Radio stations that stream Dr.Laura online, such as this one. KFI AM 640

As for me, I like Dr, Laura, but she is too liberal for me! My main peeve, is her push for contrceptives,not good. Who on this earth will please everyone? We all have our faults, and she does too, we all need to work on our faults, she does too.

God Bless

I think Dr. Laura is terrific. Not perfect, not a saint. But I don’t think she’s uncharitable - she has to make her point quickly and the people who call her show know that. As she herself has said, if you want someone to commiserate with you talk with your girlfriends. She can zero in on the problem in a heartbeat and cut to the chase. She also isn’t unforgiving. She merely insists that to be forgiven, you must be repentant of your misdeed, make reparations, and resolve not to repeat it. I’m with her on that - it bugs me that people think you should just forgive them because they are counting on your christian charity. I’m not a rug just because I’m Catholic. Now, maybe it’s better for you to forgive and it will help you in your own spiritual growth - but that doesn’t mean that you allow yourself to be taken advantage of. And as for the references to spouses who cheat - look, leopards don’t change their spots. Unless someone has had a psychotic break and a complete change in their personality, odds are that their cheating behavior was evident long before the wedding. You can’t convince me that you were completely caught off guard by the bad behavior of your spouse, fiance, friend, etc. You can ignore the signs, but they were there - and that’s what Dr. Laura tries to get people to understand. And 99% of the time, that’s exactly what the caller says - “yes, they did it to other people, I just didn’t expect them to do it to me!” Leopards don’t change their spots. Make better choices when it comes to friends and lifemates.
Dr. Laura isn’t perfect, but she tells it like it is, and I appreciate that in a person. I don’t always agree with her. But I sure respect her for taking the heat.

As she herself has said, if you want someone to commiserate with you talk with your girlfriends.
Karen, I agree with your analysis. She doesn’t much allow callers to cry on her shoulder, but rather brings them up short, which is often what’s needed. She’s more of a drill instructor trying to whip them into shape than a therapist.

I am a therapist and Dr. Laura is no therapist. Having said that let me add that I think she is terrific. My only problem with her is that she is so right. I work and even though I am changing my schedule this year to school hours, I still have a three year old in daycare. The other three are school age. I just wish I had listened to her before I went to school and accumulated enourmous student loans. She makes me feel guilty (and rightly so) for not being “my children’s Mom” as she says. I can only pray that God forgives me and console myself that he has called me to help middle school children and women with substance abuse problems. I do my best, but I’m sure Dr. Laura would not think it was good enough.
Wow. All these responses on the Catholic Answers forum, and not one mention of Dr. Ray or Dr. Colleen.

Having listented to all three, I have just a few things to say:

IMHO, Dr. Laura has been getting colder as time goes on. There is less humor in her show, and it’s usually at the expense of the callers.

Listen to the Doctor is In, and see the difference that Christianity plays in dealing with people who really hurt. Comfort, assist, and admonish when necessary. If the Doctor Is In were played in place of the Dr. Laura show, I wonder what the reaction would be.

Pray for Dr. Laura.
I have found in many cases that those who really dislike Dr. Laura are people who have only listened to her show once or twice, or have only caught little pieces of it here and there. The other thing I’ve found is that people tend to have an adverse reaction to someone (or some_thing_ like the Catholic Church :eek: ) who tells them what they are doing is wrong. I know, because I was one of those people. She really grated on my nerves when she would self-rightiously slam people when they were gossiping, or chastise some poor guy who liked to occassionally have a beer at a “gentlemans club.” You know what, though? After listening to her day after day, three hours at a time, I started to understand why she was right and why I was wrong.

In fact, I owe an awful lot of my conversion to the Catholic Church to HER. I was living a life of luke-warm protestant religion, heavily influenced by secular culture. I liked her moral stands on abortion, marriage, homosexuality, etc. I started longing for a church who took a uncompromising, unambiguous moral stance on these issues too. And you know what I found? The Catholic faith. A faith I could live every day, not just on Sundays. A faith I could proudly declare was actually uncompromisingly pro-life and pro-marriage.

I was always impressed when Dr. Laura would ask the caller if they were Christian, and if they replied “no, I’m Catholic!” she would immediately correct them by stating “you know, the last time I checked, Catholics are Christian… in fact they were the original Christians!” In addition to her rabbi friends, she also talks frequently of a Catholic Priest friend of hers with which she often corresponds. She has an incredibly good knowledge of the Church and it’s teachings. I always start cringing when I here a “Catholic” caller on her show, wondering what misrepresentation of our faith he or she will utter, but I’m usually relieved when Dr. Laura sets the misrepresentation straight. Does she always get it exactly right? No. But most of the time she does.

Is she a sometimes too abrupt with some callers? Yes. Does she sometimes not listen carefully to every caller? Yes. Does she have a skewed understanding of forgiveness? Yes. But, if my prayers are answered and her journey leads her to the One Faith that Jesus Christ established on earth, I think her understanding of forgiveness, charity, and compassion will evolve. And if she does embrace the Catholic faith, the logical evolution of Judaism, we will have a PRICELESS public advocate, a powerful fisher of men.
I think the biggest obstacle to her becoming Catholic is: the Church’s stand on Artificial Birth Control.

She supports an organization that pays drug-addicted women to get sterilized so they don’t produce “litters of kids” and this is contrary to Catholic teachings on ABC. I understand her POV on this, but committing one evil to stop another is not permitted.

I liked her a lot - until they took her off the air here in Chicago. I can’t even listen to her programs that are archived becase her website requires payment to listen to her show.

When I heard she quit Judaism, this is not a good thing. ** I think it would be a GREAT idea to have Rosalind Moss to talk to her (or another Catholic convert from Judaism)**
has a lot in common with a lot of people… liked by a good many people… not liked by some… join the rest of the world heh… i like her… she’s just a little hindu doin the best she kindu… 👍
Give me Dr. Ray any day.:clapping: Or every day.:clapping: :dancing:
Actually, Dr. Ray and Dr. Laura should have a show together. They both share a particular talent for allowing caller’s questions to go waaaaaay over their heads.
Hopefully, someday, we will tune in to The Journey Home on EWTN, and find her as a guest.
Faithful 2 Rome:
Hopefully, someday, we will tune in to The Journey Home on EWTN, and find her as a guest.
Let us pray, brother Faithful 2 Rome! 🙂 :gopray: :gopray2: :gopray2: :gopray2:

If we get her to our side, man, we’d get a boatload of conversions from protestantism, for many protestants admire her.
Personally, I think she is a vicious, judgemental hypocrite who is extremely unqualified to give advice to anyone who has more than half a brain.
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