I have found in many cases that those who really dislike Dr. Laura are people who have only listened to her show once or twice, or have only caught little pieces of it here and there. The other thing I’ve found is that people tend to have an adverse reaction to someone (or some_thing_ like the Catholic Church
) who tells them what they are doing is wrong. I know, because I was one of those people. She really grated on my nerves when she would self-rightiously slam people when they were gossiping, or chastise some poor guy who liked to occassionally have a beer at a “gentlemans club.” You know what, though? After listening to her day after day, three hours at a time, I started to understand why she was right and why I was wrong.
In fact, I owe an awful lot of my conversion to the Catholic Church to HER. I was living a life of luke-warm protestant religion, heavily influenced by secular culture. I liked her moral stands on abortion, marriage, homosexuality, etc. I started longing for a church who took a uncompromising, unambiguous moral stance on these issues too. And you know what I found? The Catholic faith. A faith I could live every day, not just on Sundays. A faith I could proudly declare was actually uncompromisingly pro-life and pro-marriage.
I was always impressed when Dr. Laura would ask the caller if they were Christian, and if they replied “no, I’m Catholic!” she would immediately correct them by stating “you know, the last time I checked, Catholics are Christian… in fact they were the original Christians!” In addition to her rabbi friends, she also talks frequently of a Catholic Priest friend of hers with which she often corresponds. She has an incredibly good knowledge of the Church and it’s teachings. I always start cringing when I here a “Catholic” caller on her show, wondering what misrepresentation of our faith he or she will utter, but I’m usually relieved when Dr. Laura sets the misrepresentation straight. Does she always get it exactly right? No. But most of the time she does.
Is she a sometimes too abrupt with some callers? Yes. Does she sometimes not listen carefully to every caller? Yes. Does she have a skewed understanding of forgiveness? Yes. But, if my prayers are answered and her journey leads her to the One Faith that Jesus Christ established on earth, I think her understanding of forgiveness, charity, and compassion will evolve. And if she does embrace the Catholic faith, the logical evolution of Judaism, we will have a PRICELESS public advocate, a powerful fisher of men.