I like Dr. Laura. I don’t agree with everything she says, but most.
She does not sit on the fence, there are no grey areas when it comes to morals. I really don’t care what religion she is, she does promote the Ten commandments. For a while she seemed to promote LDS religion. It really amazed me since I have read her 10 commandments book several times, and LDS does NOT conform to some of the things she says in her book. It seemed obvious that she had not studied the LDS faith. I faxed her a list of reading material, including LDS websites, (all material is used by LDS) and asked her to read and study before she continued to praise this religion. I haven’t heard her proclaim the LDS faith recently. She had been going to Salt Lake and having book signings at some of the book stores. I wondered if she was buttering up the LDS so they would purchase her book or if she was just ignorant of the religion. Dr. Laura took a strong stand about the Catholic priest sex scandal. She said that she would not leave children alone with a Catholic priest. I faxed her a note on that statement as well. I asked her to read all the small articles in the paper and she would see all the problems in other churches with pastors and also problems within the LDS faith that they have admitted. LDS is offering counseling, etc. to those who are/were sexually abused by church leaders. (I read this in the Salt Lake newspaper some time ago.) While our scandal is horrible, we do not get to take all the credit for sex abuse. I think Dr. Laura jumps on a subject too quickly sometimes without doing the research needed to present a true view of the problem.
Dr. Laura suggests that to forgive someone who has not asked for forgiveness is redundant. She is right on! God will forgive you all your transgressions if you ask and repent. He does not if you don’t!! This “forgiveness” thing, ( “she really didn’t mean to hurt you” but, it is hard for her to apologize, etc.)… and the “don’t judge” statements are allowing people to do whatever they want and we are to for-go our morals and be accepting of bad behavior. What are we teaching our youth??
Dr.Laura doesn’t have to listen long to her caller to know the situation. She has the “screener” get the info, it is right in front of her on a monitor. Many times, she is just verifying the info with the caller. This helps her zero in on the “problem” and get on to the next caller.
I would be surprised if Dr. Laura actually becomes a practicing Catholic, but I would love to be surprised.
Jesus, Mary, Joseph, pray for us