I’ve been reading the book “The Facts About Luther” and holy cow is it a shock! Any protestant that praises the Protestant Reformation in any way, big or small, needs to read this book and get the facts straight. Here’s a good one for you: We all know the “reason” for Luther’s 95 Thesis was the “abuse of indulgences”, right? Guess what? *There were no abuses of indulgences taking place!!! *Just another lie perpetuated through history, so much so that even Catholics repeat it. It’s insane.
Anyone that wants to really know the reasons for Luther’s revolt and anyone that wants to understand the Protestant Reformation should read “Facts about Luther” and “Characters of the Reformation”, both available from Tan Books. There’s so much that we don’t truly know. And we Catholics often beileve the lies that have been spread about “abuses in the Church” and such that never existed. Ignorance leads many to abandon Mother Church.
Anyone that wants to really know the reasons for Luther’s revolt and anyone that wants to understand the Protestant Reformation should read “Facts about Luther” and “Characters of the Reformation”, both available from Tan Books. There’s so much that we don’t truly know. And we Catholics often beileve the lies that have been spread about “abuses in the Church” and such that never existed. Ignorance leads many to abandon Mother Church.