In my humble opinion, no it’s not reasonable for your husband to expect this of you. In complete, 100% honesty, if this were my husband, he’d be sleeping on the couch.Is this a reasonable indulgence for my husband, given that this woman lives three states away and I barely ever have to see her?
But that’s just my opinion. You know what the fall out is going to be if you remove her from your Facebook. You will have to decide which is worse: your current situation or the situation that will arise when you block her. Most of all, you will have to decide what you can live with and what you can’t, and what is safe for your children.
I have a very, very low tolerance for husbands who can’t cut the apron strings with their mommies and cater to mama’s every whim at the expense of their wives and children. So this post may come off as more emotional than I intend. I guess it just sends a lot of red flags that he’s expecting you to put up with this. What exactly is stopping him from getting his own Facebook and dealing with her himself?