This isn’t true.Thanks for this perspective. I think I do rely on it for comfort and stress relief, and it seems like only God should be the one I turn to for those things.
Many people who experience stress are faithful Christians who turn to God, but also require medications, therapy, deep-breathing exercises, a walk in the outdoors, a romp with their pet, poetry or perhaps humor, etc. Children use teddy bears (I have one, and I’m 62!), blankets, and other comfy objects to help them with stress.
There is no sin here.
I am a soda fiend, and I honestly find a cold Diet Coke so relaxing and delicious!
Years ago, a wise older Christian woman told me, “Be very careful of anything that will steal your joy.” I advise you to do the same.
To me, the only “sin” of soda consumption is that the money to pay for it could be given to better causes. On the other hand, soda is one of the very cheapest beverages, and if you have the option of buying it on sale, it can cost as little as 25 cents a can for the REAL soda (not the cheap generic brands). No way does beer, wine, or coffee cost so little.
Also, in many restaurants, there is an option for unlimited free refills of soda–not so for wine or beer. In diners and family restaurants, they will usually refill your coffee cup, but not in the trendy coffee shops.
I say, “Enjoy” one of life’s simple pleasures and don’t obsess over it.
And yes, I have driven out in a blizzard to re-stock my Diet Coke supply!
The other possible “sin” of soda consumption is the sugar–you really have to be diligent about limiting the sugary sodas once you start getting older, and even when you’re younger. Back in the early 2000s, there were medical reports of active young women in their mid-20s being diagnosed with Type II Diabetes, and the cause was attributed to a diet that consisted mainly of drinking Mountain Dew all day long, with no food! After all, five 20-oz Mountain Dews is only 1500 calories, and that’s what these young women were doing, which wreaked havoc on their pancreases and caused them to become diabetic!
So be careful. I know a lot of people claim that the artificial sugars are just as bad, and perhaps they are, but I think a lot of the science for this is kind of dicey. One thing to be careful of if you switch to diet sodas is compensating for the lack of sugar by eating more sweets, or consuming hidden sugars in foods like breads and pastas.