Drug Use Appologist

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I was wondering if anyone knew of some good resources to defend the Church’s position against recreational drug use. I’m getting the “pot is the same as alchohol” argument, and if its done in moderation it is okay. Has the Vatican ever come out with anything specific on drug use, or is there any good studies that I could use?


In and of itself, a recreational use of “drugs” like “pot” is not sinful.

However, if the lawful civil authority has banned its usage, then continuing to do so would be sinful.

Just like intentionally speeding on a highway is sinful (at least venially) because you’re contradicting a lawful, God-ordained authority.
I would add that along with the previous argument…

Eating is not evil, gluttony is…
Alcohol is not evil, drunkeness is…
Drugs are not evil, using them is…

It’s appears that it is an argument about excess, which might be just as valid, but it’s more at the point of how we use the created world God has given us. We are called to be stewards of creation, and a part of that creation is our own bodies.

🙂 Note, as I type this I realize I could stand to loose a few!!! 🙂

God Bless, GeneS
It can really make you paranoid. I know someone who seems pretty normal but gets very paranoid over some things…I think it must be the pot use. The person just doesn’t think “straight.”
Occasional use is probably fine, but anything more than that is trouble.

Anyway, I know various sources cite it is only a venial sin. But if you’re an American purchasing it, you are supporting an industry that is devastating to society…thinking of gangs here. You are supporting with your money, death and violence. Do you really want any part of that?

So in other words, drugs like pot, cocaine, ect… are socially immoral but are not sinful to use if done in moderation in the eyes of the Church?
I would argue that it is difficult to use any drug (even pot) in moderation. Drugs differ from alcohol because even one use of them can be detrimental to the body (which is, remember, the Temple of the Holy Spirit). Ingesting alcohol in moderation will not damage the body because the liver is capable of filtering the poison (and yes, it is poison) from the bloodstream before permanent damage can be done. Inhaling pot delivers the toxins much more quickly to the bloodstream and can have an effect on the brain and sensory functions far more quickly than alcohol. I would think that any use of drugs would be sinful, as they do damage to the body.
Dr. Colossus:
I would argue that it is difficult to use any drug (even pot) in moderation. Drugs differ from alcohol because even one use of them can be detrimental to the body (which is, remember, the Temple of the Holy Spirit). Ingesting alcohol in moderation will not damage the body because the liver is capable of filtering the poison (and yes, it is poison) from the bloodstream before permanent damage can be done. Inhaling pot delivers the toxins much more quickly to the bloodstream and can have an effect on the brain and sensory functions far more quickly than alcohol. I would think that any use of drugs would be sinful, as they do damage to the body.
I definitely see your point. It would seem that many drugs cannot be done “in moderation.” However, I am not so sure that marijuana necessarily fits this category. I think a case can be made for moderate usage similar to moderate use of alcohol. As for negative effects on the body, cigarettes are well known to be harmful but they are generally not regarded to be sinful.
Not being medically-oriented, I may be wrong about marijuana. However, I do know that it is widely regarded as a “gateway drug”, which might at least propel it into the “proximate occasion of sin” category. Better to stay away from them entirely, in my opinion.
I have read numerous times that alchohol kills brain cells. True or false?
I’m sure it does…but I don’t think moderate amounts necessarily would. If it did, we’d be sinning every time we take the Blood of Christ!
Dr. Colossus:
I would argue that it is difficult to use any drug (even pot) in moderation. Drugs differ from alcohol because even one use of them can be detrimental to the body (which is, remember, the Temple of the Holy Spirit). Ingesting alcohol in moderation will not damage the body because the liver is capable of filtering the poison (and yes, it is poison) from the bloodstream before permanent damage can be done. Inhaling pot delivers the toxins much more quickly to the bloodstream and can have an effect on the brain and sensory functions far more quickly than alcohol. I would think that any use of drugs would be sinful, as they do damage to the body.
I definitely see your point. It would seem that many drugs cannot be done “in moderation.” However, I am not so sure that marijuana necessarily fits this category. I think a case can be made for moderate usage similar to moderate use of alcohol. As for negative effects on the body, cigarettes are well known to be harmful but they are generally not regarded to be sinful.
I would say that it is not ok, even in moderation (if their is such a thing with pot).

Smoking pot clouds and weakens both the faculties of soul (the intellect and will and with that judgment), pretty quickly too. The image and likeness man has to God is primarily found here (the soul and its faculities). To do anything, recreationally, to diminish that would be a grave offense to the nature and dignity of man. A dignity that is based on the fact that man is made in God’s image.

The CCC states in paragraph 2291:

The use of drugs inflicts very grave damage on human health and life. Their use, except on strictly therapeutic grounds, is a grave offense.

there is my :twocents:
I was wondering if anyone knew of some good resources to defend the Church’s position against recreational drug use. I’m getting the “pot is the same as alchohol” argument, and if its done in moderation it is okay. Has the Vatican ever come out with anything specific on drug use, or is there any good studies that I could use?


I’m sure you’re getting this as well…


Things to think about:
  1. Alcohol and pot are completely different substances.
  2. See “Jesus” and “Melchizedek.”
  3. I’m sure he used the argument that…“God put plants on this earth for us to use.”…Ask him if he’d be willing to smoke up some Hemlock.
  4. If you’re Catholic think about…
The CCC states in paragraph 2291:

The use of drugs inflicts very grave damage on human health and life. Their use, except on strictly therapeutic grounds, is a grave offense.
This is a Quote from St. Francis de Sales:

**I definitly think this applies to marajuana (getting stoned) just as much as it applies to intoxication. **

** “He who drinks (smokes) wine (marajuana) out of necessity does no evil; but he who takes it to such an excess that he becomes intoxicated (stoned) offends God mortally, loses his judgment, drowns his reason in wine he drinks (marajuana he smokes), and if he happens to die in this state, is DAMNED!” Oeuvres**

Taken from “The Quotable Saint” by Rosemary Ellen Guiley
I agree with those who have said that anything is excess can be sinful. But one puff of marijuana is in excess. One can drink alcohol and not get intoxicated, but the whole purpose of smoking weed is to get “high”. When one uses anything be it drugs, alcohol, sex or whatever to alter their state of happiness to a “false” happiness they are denying God’s ability to give us TRUE happiness.

Why in the world would want to alter their ability to clearly communicate with the Creator with something He created. Clearly God can give us all the highs and lows for that matter, so why do we need to get high or drunk.

Seek Jesus and He will lead you to a higher place.
Dr. Colossus:
Not being medically-oriented, I may be wrong about marijuana. However, I do know that it is widely regarded as a “gateway drug”, which might at least propel it into the “proximate occasion of sin” category. Better to stay away from them entirely, in my opinion.
It is widely regarded as such, but I am very skeptical of this view. The only difference between alcohol and marijuana, in my opinion, is that the former is legal and the latter is not. Well, also that the latter might be helpful to cancer patients who experience nausea from chemo- and radiation therapy.
I think the difference is that alcohol is legal for people over 21 while marijuana is not legal at all. Now that being said, I do think that marijuana should be able to be prescribed as a medication for some people who benefit from its effects. From what I understand, it is very helpful in the treatment of some diseases, one of which is muscular dystrophy. In this case, it should not be treated any different than prescription drugs. There are many prescription drugs that are highly addictive and of course, there will inevitably be doctors who prescribe it too freely just as there are doctors who overprescribe meds like vicodin or valium or xanax. This is unfortunate but I think the benefits to some people would be enormous.

Now I had a nephew who I really argued about the legalization of drugs with. Unfortunately, he had a college professor who really thought some drugs should just be legal - no restrictions. I wish I could talk to that professor today…My nephew died 2 years ago and drug use was a big factor in it. While I know it was not the professor’s fault, maybe he should think about it before he tells another class of impressionable college freshmen that drugs are no big deal and should be legal. His grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends think it is a very big deal.
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