The Old Catholic Encyclopedia lists the following as teachings of Duns Scotus. I was wondering if people could explain the following to me. THANKS!
“The angels can of themselves know things; they do not need an infused species though in fact they receive such from God”
“that the relationes teinitariae are not a perfection simpliciter simplex”
“that the merits of Christ are not simpliciter et intrinsece, but only extrinsece and secundum quid, infinite”
“that transubstantiation makes the Body of Christ present per modum adductionis”
“the dotrine of the univocatia entis”
“that mortal sin, as an offence against God, is not intrinsically and simpliciter, but only extrinsically infinite”
“The angels can of themselves know things; they do not need an infused species though in fact they receive such from God”
“that the relationes teinitariae are not a perfection simpliciter simplex”
“that the merits of Christ are not simpliciter et intrinsece, but only extrinsece and secundum quid, infinite”
“that transubstantiation makes the Body of Christ present per modum adductionis”
“the dotrine of the univocatia entis”
“that mortal sin, as an offence against God, is not intrinsically and simpliciter, but only extrinsically infinite”