E-bay seller takes host to Iowa diocese

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Hi all!

I found this on spirit daily:

 We are pleased to  report that the sale of what was purported to be a Host consecrated by Pope John  Paul II and put up for sale on eBay, the on-line auctioneer, has been withdrawn,  with the Host handed over to the Diocese of Sioux City, Iowa, where the seller  is located [see  previous story](http://www.spiritdaily.com/Hostbought.htm)].
The issue garnered national media attention when, within minutes of a link to it on this website Wednesday night, a Cupertino, California, man offered $2,000 for the Host to keep it out of the hands of witches, satanists, or souvenir hunters.

Although eBay claimed it received “a few” protests, the California man told us that he received 500 e-mails in just the several hours his address was displayed on *Spirit Daily, *before he asked us to remove his name, preferring anonymity.

Earlier Friday, Monsignor Roger J. Augustine, administrator of the Diocese of Sioux City, met with the seller and was advised that the sale would not be consummated. According to Msgr. Augustine, the seller deeply regretted the effort to sell the Eucharist and extended a personal apology to him, the diocese and any others who had been offended by the eBay listing. Because the transaction never materialized, there was no money exchanged or received.

I must have missed it but how did this person come by this host ? Did he pretend to consume it at Mass and then take it home?
Here is part of the story:

“I am not a Catholic and do not believe I’m going to hell for selling this collectible,” said the owner in a poorly spelled advertisement. “It’s a memento from that great afternoon with Pope John Paul II. Yes, this is the actual Eucharist I saved during the Mass that I participated in on October 18th, 1998. I ate one wafer then I went back and got another one to save and he gave me another one, but I did get a very dirty look! I was studying in Florence that semester and a bunch of us went down to Rome that week to partake. I’m not Catholic, but I found it all very interesting. Along with the Eucharist, I have the program from that day and a little bulletin. It’s all in Italian. I also have four stamps from the Vatican that year and a bottle opener that I bought when I was in Rome way back in 1992. From what I understand, if you’re holding something in your hand during a certain moment when Pope John Paul II spoke during his Mass, it becomes blessed. I was holding this bottle opener during Mass with him in 1992. It has his picture on one side and a picture of the Trevi Fountain on the other.”

Maybe this will spark a conversion experience for this person…:gopray2:
wisdom 3:5:
Here is part of the story:

“I am not a Catholic and do not believe I’m going to hell for selling this collectible,” said the owner in a poorly spelled advertisement. "It’s a memento from that great afternoon with Pope John Paul II. Yes, this is the actual Eucharist I saved during the Mass that I participated in on October 18th, 1998. I ate one wafer then I went back and got another one to save and he gave me another one, but I did get a very dirty look!
wisdom 3:5:
Well, so much for receiving in the hand 😦
buyer was apparently a member of the KOC and a member of the same parish I go to! I approached one of the priests there after Mass on Sunday and asked to pass some money on to this guy since he supposedly wiped out his savings to save the Eucharist. I was most pleased to hear that the seller recanted. 🙂

I’m proud of the members of the Parish I attend. I’m glad I am going to RCIA there. 🙂
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