While I agree with many of the questions, I think he has too narrow of a focus. Almost all these questions can be asked about walk in voting, and more.
How much signature matching happens when one shows up at the polling place? That is in effect the only identification requirement in PA if the poll worker does not know you.
Is some kind of ID requirement better? Mail in ballots may do this better, since they often link voter registration with driver registration. With secure ID this can be an easy way to keep registration lists accurate. But that will not work with walk in voters; the lines are long enough already, we do not need more complications.
Walk in voting was fine when poll workers knew everybody in town. It is less practical when administrators have only four sites for a city of several hundred thousand, as happened in Milwaukee for the primary.
Multi hour waits are unacceptable, especially if they happen more in poorer districts than in richer, or vice versa. This really calls out for some better way to harvest ballots, so that getting to the polling place does not become a qualifying factor.
We need to rethink voting, and not just mail in voting. The whole system needs to be fixed so that every legal voter is able to vote, and not deterred by awkward locations or lack of postage.