This one sided article is use the perception of over crowding to justify abortion and contraception.
A more optimistic view point argues that we are within reach of a turning point on poverty.
Making poverty history
2005 could be a big year in the fight against poverty
Dec 16th 2004
Some optimism is certainly justified. In economic terms, the human race has never been richer, or better armed with the medical knowledge, technological prowess and intellectual firepower needed to beat poverty. In rich countries, it has been possible to shift the focus of domestic policy from absolute poverty (now a rarity) to the relative sort—a giant step forward. In poorer countries, too, the past couple of decades have seen an unprecedented rise in the income and standard of living of hundreds of millions of people, mainly in Asia, who no longer struggle just to survive from one day to the next. The continuation of recent rapid rates of economic growth in India and China alone promises to free hundreds of millions more from poverty during the coming decade.