Thanks! (And thanks to everyone else who responded!)
My situation is somewhat unusual. I believe I was baptized at the insistence of my grandmother when I was a child. Neither of my parents is religious, so I was raised without any sort of spiritual beliefs.
I would not consider myself a former member of the Orthodox Church (although I suppose that I am officially), because I was not raised in the faith, I was inside an Orthodox Church 2 or 3 times when I was a small child under 10 and probably didn’t know what it was all about.
Furthermore, I was baptized in Russia and have since immigrated here. It would be somewhat difficult to contact the Orthodox church where I was baptized, so we never tried.
I was baptized conditionally, but confirmed normally with everyone else. I felt that I should say that I need conditional rather than regular confirmation, but there were 40 of us standing around the altar and the priest was moving pretty quickly, so I figured that since I had told the RCIA priest beforehand and he didn’t do anything special for me it was okay. Was it?
Do I need to be a member of the Eastern Catholic Church?
Thanks again!