eBay Eucharist Scandal on FOX news

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They just had a report about the Host that was sold on eBay on Neil Cavuto’s show. eBay has decided that this action will not be banned as it doesn’t qualify as ‘hate speech’ to them.

Anybody hear anything else about it on the mainstream news?
Yeah, i just watched it. I am glad they brought it up…now everyone knows. But ebay needs to understand that this IS very offensive to Catholics.

I think it is time for me to cancel my ebay membership…
They just had a report about the Host that was sold on eBay on Neil Cavuto’s show. eBay has decided that this action will not be banned as it doesn’t qualify as ‘hate speech’ to them.

Anybody hear anything else about it on the mainstream news?
has fox said weather or not it’s consecrated or not?

not too prudent if true… consecrated or not!
Neil said it was ‘apparently’ consecrated by the Pope because we don’t know for sure if the guy really received it at the Vatican.
Neil said it was ‘apparently’ consecrated by the Pope because we don’t know for sure if the guy really received it at the Vatican.
I smell fraud. What possibly can be produced to prove that the host was consecrated? You can buy boxes of hosts at Catholic and Protestant religious stores.

Most likely a sucker game IMO.
Would they allow this type discrimination towards another religion? They actually compare this to religious items. Not the same at all! Apparently one of the owners is Catholic. How do they live with themselves?

I think we need to bombard them with the fraud and stolen items complaints.
Would they allow this type discrimination towards another religion. They actually compare this to religious items. Not the same at all! Apparently one of the owners is Catholic. How do they live with themselves?
Yes. Even if fraud is afoot, as I believe it is, eBay should have been sensitive to Catholic protests about this.
It’s obvious that e-bay couldn’t care less how offensive this practice is to Catholics.

But if the hosts are not consecrated, then to sell them claiming they are, is fraud. If the people at e-bay are too stupid to even understand this, then they do not deserve ANY of our business whatsoever.
I think it is time to take a stand on this issue. We all need to boycot and to figure out a way to make them listen. There are now over 30 responses on the chat board that I started on ebay.
Yes. Even if fraud is afoot, as I believe it is, eBay should have been sensitive to Catholic protests about this.
FRAUD is against Ebay guidelines, so on that basis it should be stopped!

They obviously don’t care about religion, but FRAUD and THEFT are both against their rules, they’ll break those rules obviously in this case. If it was a stolen Nazi item they’d be up in arms and shut the thing down.
I think it is time to take a stand on this issue. We all need to boycot and to figure out a way to make them listen. There are now over 30 responses on the chat board that I started on ebay.
There are now 37 responses and some are very unfavorable. HELP!
I am posting on the ebay collectible message board, and I will have to tell you that there are some that are very disrespectful of our religion and all religions really. I have posted three times, but I want to bombard the message board so that ebay knows it is just not me alone that is complaining. I want more complaints to show up. If you are ebay user, sign on and go to forums.ebay.com/db2/forum.jspa?forumID=9

There is someone that is snide sniper, and their comments are as evil as their name. They must go looking for trouble. I am being criticised for trying to interfere with someone’s free will. Go and read, and please post and help me out. Be very Catholic and keep your cool. It is not easy being Catholic sometimes.
It was on MSNBC TOO!:mad: The Catholic Action LEague need to be contacted ASAP!:mad: This will make our Lord a target of theft:banghead:
Since I’ve never used EBay I’m not going to join the fray, but I did read SS’ remarks - what an idiot. Using Luke - “Forgive them for they know not what they do…” - typical moron taking one verse out of context for his own purposes and then he uses it to attack us, while at the same time accusing us of using Scripture as a weapon. Seems to me that what Jesus did about those who desecrated the temple by using it as a market is much more appropriate to this case.
Did everyone hear about who bought the Host? It may have indeed ended up in a good person’s hands.

Here’s a quote from the Spirit Daily article: spiritdaily.com./Hostbought.htm

"At any rate, just minutes after the item was posted on *Spirit Daily *Monday night, a Cupertino, California, man raced to buy the Eucharist for $2,000 and has secured it, whatever its origins. “Any minute I waited, it could have fallen into the hands of a witch or satanist,” he said, aghast at the auction. “That’s Jesus in that Host.”
Since I’ve never used EBay I’m not going to join the fray, but I did read SS’ remarks - what an idiot. Using Luke - “Forgive them for they know not what they do…” - typical moron taking one verse out of context for his own purposes and then he uses it to attack us, while at the same time accusing us of using Scripture as a weapon. Seems to me that what Jesus did about those who desecrated the temple by using it as a market is much more appropriate to this case.
Yeah, if you are not a registered ebay user then you can’t get in as easy. However I remember posting in an ebay thread once and there were many of us that are using it. It used to be fun for me, but I am going to continue to complain until they realize that what they are doing is sort of like a hate crime. They are allowing this to happed because it is Catholocism.

Yeah, SS is really a trip. There are a few others that have piled on too. I think the thread will be closed as soon as ebay realized how critical us Catholics are being of them.
I smell fraud. What possibly can be produced to prove that the host was consecrated? You can buy boxes of hosts at Catholic and Protestant religious stores.

Most likely a sucker game IMO.
Sad fact: Most Catholics are unable to tell the difference between a consecrated or non-consecrated host. FYI: a true satanist can.

The True Presence of Christ leaves the species as the host begins to decompose. I doubt that the morons auctioning the host know this, but most Catholics don’t realize this either.
Dj Roy Albert:
Sad fact: Most Catholics are unable to tell the difference between a consecrated or non-consecrated host. FYI: a true satanist can.

The True Presence of Christ leaves the species as the host begins to decompose. I doubt that the morons auctioning the host know this, but most Catholics don’t realize this either.
I agree with your last statement, but disagree with your first. No one can tell the difference between consecrated and non-consecrated hosts by appearance or by anything else, whether he is an orthodox Catholic or a Devil Worshipper…
A host is consider vaild until it is no longer in the same form not just when it starts to decompose. Check the link out

**"Dear mil,

Certainly, if one dilutes the Host or the Precious Blood so that the is no longer the appearance of bread or wine, the Lord’s Body and Blood are no longer present. But otherwise, the Real Presence remains.

Fr. Vincent Serpa, O.P."**

I think ebay is showing it’s true colors in this matter. Respect some but not all! Sounds a little like “Four legs good but two legs better!”(animal farm) philosophy.

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