EBay's morals for sale!

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[EBay’s morals for sale! ATTENTION CATHOLICS! Item number: 5574740335 ](EBay’s morals for sale! ATTENTION CATHOLICS! Item number: 5574740335)

This might not last long but it is one way to deal with e-bay
Yeah, I know this won’t last long on eBay’s auctions…they will remove it and probably ban me from doing business with them EVER again, but I’m tired of all of this!!!
Twice now eBay has allowed the listings of Consecrated Hosts to be sold on their auction site. The door is opened for more people to steal the Body of Christ and list it for monetary gain.
If you are not Catholic, understand that we believe that Christ is truly present in the bread and wine that we receive at Communion. At the last supper, He took the bread and wine and proclaimed that it WAS His Body and Blood and that through this we would obtain “everlasting life”. AND He said, “DO THIS IN MEMORY OF ME”.
Consecrated Hosts are to be consumed at the time of Communion and removing them from the church is considered STEALING. A DEVOUT Catholic would NEVER consider taking a Host from Church!!
Now eBay allows people to SELL it!!! And we don’t even know if it is truly Consecrated or not! If someone is willing to STEAL from the Church, they would be willing to LIE as well!
So, in this last auction of mine, I am selling whatever is left of the morals on eBay. Warning though…it’s not worth anything.
Go ahead and bid…good luck and may God have Mercy on us all.
I bet now people will start bringing up a host saying it was consecrated by our Pope BennyXVI! I think now it needs to be put in people’s mouths rather than their hands. Perhaps we should tell the Vatican about this problem on ebay?
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